ten drachmas (edited)

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hey guys happy halloween, this is editing me with our october update because let's be honest one update per a month is usually the best my procrastinating self can do :)

**okay this me from the future realizing that halloween was like two weeks ago... sorry?

*** future future me back from break, realizing this is more of a christmas update... very sorry?

anywho, as always i do not own percy jackson or harry potter (shocking i know) so let us move on with the story!

also feel free to give me a follow, only of course if you want to, but you know if you want to know when to expect these updates...


Harry was somewhat impressed. Which is quite interesting, seeing as it is the one and only Percy Jackson, who impressed him. After all, Harry, while not baselessly hating him, was still quite wary about the grandson of Voldemort. You know, because he's the grandson of Voldemort? Anyway, as Harry was saying, it's not every day you see someone stand up to a Hogwarts professor, or get complimented by Snape. And Percy managed to do both in his first two classes. As he said, impressed.

Harry is about to communicate these thoughts to Hermione, along with a rant about how Umbridge really wanted to pretend Voldemort wasn't back. But instead, he's greeted by a clearly angry Professor McGonagall.


"Mr. Potter, please follow me," states, staring Harry down.

Well, then.

Harry tries to communicate with Ron through glances, but the red-headed boy simply chuckles, "Tough luck, Harry."

Harry sighs, and follows McGonagall down the corridor into her office. He purposefully stays standing, though there's a wooden chair right in front of him.

"Well?" said Professor McGonagall, rounding on him. "Is it true?"

"Is what true?" Harry asked, rather more aggressively than he had intended. "Professor?" he added, in an attempt to sound more polite.

"Is it true that you shouted at Professor Umbridge?"


"You called her a liar?"

"Well, yes-"

"You told her He Who Must Not Be Named is back?"


Professor McGonagall sat down behind her desk, frowning at Harry. Then she said, "Have a biscuit Mr. Potter."

"Have- what?"

"Have a biscuit," she repeated impatiently, indicating at a tin lying on top of one of the piles on her desk. "And sit down."

Harry stuffed a ginger biscuit in his mouth, and dragged the wooden chair across the stone floor, taking a seat.

"Potter, you need to be careful."

Harry swallowed a bit of biscuit and looked back at McGonagall. Her voice, which was usually crisp and stern, was now low and anxious.

"Misbehaviour in Dolores Umbridge's class could cost you much more than house points and a detention."

"What do you--?"

"Potter, use your common sense,' snapped Professor McGonagall, with an abrupt return to her usual manner. 'You know where she comes from, you must know to whom she is reporting."

The bell rang signally the start of the next lesson.

"It says here she's given you detention every evening this week, starting tomorrow," Professor McGonagall said, looking down at Umbridge's note again.

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