annabeth is curious (edited)

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Hey guys, I'm so excited for this chapter because, well, percabeth forever! And sadly, I do not own the HP or PJO series,' and therefore, I am nor Rick Riodain or JK Rowling, all creds to them.


The waves rock back and forth, wiping sand away from the Camp Half-Blood shore. A tall raven-haired boy sits in the sand, using his hands to create what appears to be odd shapes with the water. Resting her head on his lap is a blond girl with startling silver eyes. She's reading the Fault in Our Stars, but with the boy's dyslexia, it looks more like Teh Fuatl ni Oru Tsars, the boy, Percy, inwardly groans in frustration. 

Suddenly, a Latino boy, with dark curly hair, says, "Super Mcshizzle has arrived! Chiron wants Percy at the Big House."

The two teenagers who had previously been resting on the beach, now make eye contact, and race to the Big House. Annabeth touches the door first, hardly panting, when less then a few seconds later, Percy does the same.

"Why, Annabeth, do you always have to win?"

She rolls her eyes, telling him, "Go inside Seaweed Brain, I'll wait out here."

He smiles, "Ah Wise Girl, the master eavesdropper."

She rolls her eyes once more, "Your head is full of kelp, I would never."

Percy walks in the Big House, greeted by a worried Chiron while trying to ignore the feeling that something is going to go wrong.

Skipping formalities, Chiron quickly says, "Percy, your mom wants you home as soon as possible; she just called me a few minutes ago."

Trying to clam his erratic heartbeat, Percy replies, "Why? Is she okay? Is Paul okay?"

Chiron nods while saying, "Yes, child, they are fine; she wants you home for an urgent matter. Also, please do bring Annabeth with you; she usually manages to save you from death. Usually."

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence, Chiron. I'll ride Blackjack?"

"I suppose that would be fine. Argus is somewhat busy today."

Percy nods, immediately running out the door, while Chiron sits back down, sighing. Finding Annabeth leaning against the wall, the same book from earlier held in one hand, Percy immediately smiles. 

"You hear everything?"

"Obviously. We should get going, though, and I wonder why your mom would want you home right now?"

"Om my gods. A daughter of Athena curious, Annabeth, this is like the fifth time that you've made history this month, we should throw a party and watch Finding Nemo!"

"Oh Hades' sake, shut up, Kelphead."

"Never," he says, and then proceeds to whistle for Blackjack. 

A few seconds later, a giant black flying thin appears in the air, and lands in front of them. Got any doughnuts, boss? 

Percy rolls his eyes, saying, "Blackjack, I don't have any doughnuts, and we have to get to my house, pronto."

Annabeth laughs, "Pronto?"

It's Percy's turn to roll his eyes as he says, "Oh shut up, I'm not Athena for gods' sakes."

Annabeth laughs again, saying, "Duh, Seaweed Brain, you're an idiot."

"But I'm your idiot," he says, flashing a pearly white smile.

Blackjack stomps his feet, Something about quickly? Percy smiles as the two teenagers sit on the pegasus and start flying, quickly gaining height. Soon the two of them are flying above downtown New York City. Landing in front of their apartment complex, they thank Blackjack, who quickly flies off, claiming he's looking for some doughnuts. The couple runs up the stairs, racing each other once more, Annabeth again winning by a slim margin. Percy lets his mind wander, and starts to think of various possibilities of his mom's sudden phone call when Annabeth gives him a questioning look.

"I'm sure Sally and Paul are fine, they just wanted to talk to you about something, or maybe something came up."

Percy takes a deep breath and starts to speak, "I know, but it's ju-" 

Annabeth silences him with a reassuring kiss, hoping Percy lets his nerves calm down.

They break apart, needing air, and Percy again smiles at Annabeth and takes out his spare key, unlocking the apartment.

"Hey, mom, I'm here! What's up, and Chiron told me to bring Annabeth-" 

That's when I notice Gandalf sitting on the couch. With a middle-aged man, and three teenagers. 

"Uh, mom, why is Gandalf and company lounging in our living room?"

A/N Hey umm, I got lazy, but I wanted to end the chapter right here, so it's not that long, sorry! I know that I'm slacking, and this is only my second chapter. Speaking of, what was your reaction to the end of Mark of Athena? I was like, for real Rick! That's how you end the book, like what the heck? It was rather depressing. But MoA is still my favorite book in HOO. Word count: (Including A/N's) 811. ~Love, ryleeoverhere.

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