the sorting song (edited)

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AHHHHHH! It has arrived, Percy is going to Hogwarts :) I know right, amazing (for some reason I thought that this happened in Chapter 13, but clearly I was wrong)

Anyway, welcome back to my Youtube channel-

Fine, I'll stop, like usual I am not JK Rowling or Uncle Rick (honestly, you'd think they would get the idea by now) and on with the story.


And we have arrived. Percy was somewhat excited to go to this school named after a pig disease, even if it was indeed named after a pig disease. Despite the fact that Percy was hoping to retire from hero work after the Giant War, he supposed that one evil grandfather couldn't be that much of a problem. At least that's what he was thinking when the — one, two, three, four, five, six seven — eight of them (nine if you include Animagus Sirius) made their way through the station, until they were in front of Platforms 9 and 10. Now, Percy, knowing that they were supposed to get on platform 9 and 3/4, was very confused, until he realized that the wizards probably hid the station from mortals. Muggles. Percy would never get used to using the word, 'muggle,' because honestly it sounded very very very weird.

Percy guesses that Mrs. Weasley caught onto his confusion, because she looks towards him, and says, "You have to walk straight between platforms nine and ten, come on now it's not that hard."

The Mist?

Percy realizes that after a few glances, he can see through the wall, and spots what seems like an ordinary platform, minus all the robes and the owls.

Percy figures Hecate must have something to do with that, because there was no way the wizards could. Unless they have some sort of spell for that. Though he doubted it. The gods would never give out the ability to control the Mist (or something like it) to hundreds of mortals.

Percy watches as Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, all go through the barrier leaving Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and of course himself. Saving the best for last. Obviously.

"Now, come on Percy, take a running start if you must."

Percy of course, now not even seeing the wall, is not too worried that he might crash and die. But in order to please Mrs. Weasley, he figures he'll run to the platform anyway. Holding out the trunk in front of him, Percy runs through the barrier.

The platform is just what Percy expected it to be, busy with children running around, parents crying tears of joy, and teenagers sulking around looking for compartments. Percy is about to do that same, that is look for a compartment, when Hermione comes up to him.

"Oh I've been looking for you, come on I've saved you a seat."

Now, Percy didn't mind Hermione, considering that she was perfectly amicable despite his heritage, and she somewhat reminded Percy of Annabeth. Percy follows her down the platform, and after helping Fred and George heave the trunks inside, he sits down.

Harry and Ron are sitting in the corner, engaged in a deep whisper conversation. Fred and George are talking about opening up a joke shop. Ginny is just sitting on the bench, and Hermione is telling Ron to do something.

Finally, Ron gets up, mumbling something, Fred grins and says, "Does Ickle Ronniekins have prefect duty?"

Ron blushes but heads into the prefect compartment with Hermione anyway. An awkward silence settles across the compartment.

Finally, Percy grins and says, "So..."

"Are we getting food anytime soon?" Harry asks, looking at the door Herimone and Ron just exited through.

THE GOLDEN QUARTET ━━━ percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now