Chapter 3

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"Did Dumbledore say why he wanted me to learn Occlumency, sir?" Harry asked without looking up from the book on Potions Theory Snape had given him.

"To protect your mind from the Dark Lord," Snape answered tersely, scowling down at the potion he was making. "You and the Dark Lord have a... connection, and the Headmaster believes the Dark Lord will use it to lure you into a trap."

Harry froze.

That sounded like Dumbledore knew about the Horcruxes.

Voldemort will need to hide them, and quickly, the Horcrux said in a strangled tone.

"Did he say... what kind of connection we have?" Harry said in a soft, deadly whisper.

Snape paled dramatically. "He has not told me, but I would not be surprised if he knew."

Harry snapped his book shut. "This is a problem," he said to himself.

Snape remained silent.

Harry sighed; he couldn't do anything about it at the moment. "Professor, I believe I understand this now." He tapped the book. "May I try it out with a simple potion?"

Not daring to contradict him, Snape disappeared briefly into his store cupboard and came back with a cauldron and several ingredients. "You recall the first potion you were to make?"

"When Neville added the porcupine quills without taking the cauldron off the fire," Harry mused, taking the ingredients. "Hard to forget."

"Idiotic boy," Snape muttered. "Begin." He went back to his own potion.


The excellent quality of Harry's potion to cure boils astounded Snape so much that he gave twenty points to Gryffindor (then immediately looked horrified, which made Harry snicker). Snape informed him that his Occlumency lessons would be on Fridays at seven, and Harry left.

Twenty minutes later, Harry had taken Potions for Ravenclaws out of the library; one of the few books that contained the Magical Aura Test and Blood Test potions. Madam Pince had been pleased that he was finally "taking his education seriously" and allowed him to keep it for as long as he wanted. Harry thanked her and took a detour to the Owlery.

Blaise was there, petting a jet black owl. "Potter," he greeted.

"You're alone," Harry said slowly, startled.

"Am I?" Blaise asked with a smirk.

Harry realized that the boy was hinting that he was in fact not alone, that his guards were merely hidden, when he was actually alone. He nodded amusedly. "Mortem!" he called.

A dark amber owl flew down from the shadows near the ceiling, perching on Harry's shoulder.

"I thought you had a white owl," Blaise said curiously.

"I do," Harry responded, gesturing to Hedwig, who was asleep between two barn owls. "I bought Mortem this summer for sending letters I'd rather not be intercepted."

Mortem demonstrated what he meant by briefly turning into shadows.

"An Umbra Owl!" Blaise breathed, looking faintly awed. "You bought a known Dark creature?"

"I was never against Dark creatures, Zabini," Harry shrugged. "My pseudo uncle is a werewolf."

"Remus Lupin," Blaise guessed. Harry nodded.

Speaking of Lupin, Harry thought, I need to find out if he knew of Dumbledore's treachery.

I doubt it, the Horcrux assured him. Dumbledore doesn't trust Dark creatures or Dark wizards.

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