Chapter 4

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"The first step to learning Occlumency is clearing your mind," Snape said.

"And how does one do that?" Harry drawled.

Snape frowned slightly, then questioned, "Did your pureblood tutors not teach you meditation, one of the many ways to clear your mind?"

"What pureblood tutors?" Harry growled. "I grew up with Muggles. I didn't know I was a wizard until my eleventh birthday."


"Why does everyone believe I was raised by purebloods?" Harry muttered irritably. "Should I learn meditation first?"

"That would be a good idea," Snape sighed. "I'll have to tell the Headmaster I've delayed your Occlumency lessons because I'm brewing sensitive potions."

"Is that often your excuse when you don't want to do what Dumbledore tells you?" Harry snickered.

Snape smirked. "Indeed."

Harry laughed. "I wish I could use that excuse, but I'm terrible at potions. The fumes give me headaches."

"Some people are the same," Snape assured him. "I'd prescribe a headache soother, but like Muggle pills, you become desensitized to it after a while.

"Purebloods are taught meditation because not only does it provide a path to learn Occlumency," Snape continued, "but it also helps with headaches and calms one down. Some people believe it also rejuvenates your magic and magical core." Snape strode behind his desk and opened a drawer, pulling out an old black book. "Read this and come back next Friday," Snape told him, handing him the book.

The Art of Meditation, the title read.

"Is this book important to you?" Harry asked slowly, carefully putting it into his bag.

"Yes," Snape replied. He didn't offer any explanation why, just said, "So I expect it to be in good shape when you return it."

Harry realized that he wasn't threatening him, but merely stating a fact; he knew Harry would take good care of it.

This led to the realization that Snape trusted him, and had become his friend.

How odd.

As Harry left the classroom, an even odder realization came to him:

He trusted Snape, too.


"So?" Hermione demanded as he entered the common room.

"So... what?" Harry frowned.

Ron rolled his eyes, looking amused. "She wants to know about your lesson, mate," he said.

Harry frowned. "My lesson with who?"

"Professor Snape!" Hermione exclaimed. "Headmaster Dumbledore told us that he was teaching you Occlumency!"

Harry frowned even further. "There wasn't a lesson today. Snape wants me to learn meditation first so I can clear my mind. That, and he was brewing some potion that needs concentration."

Hermione sagged, then perked up again. "Well, I'm sure we can find books on-"

"Hermione, I know the basis of meditation -- I need calm and quiet," Harry said firmly. "No offense, but neither of you are quiet." That, and every time he was around them, he wanted to break something.

"None taken, mate," Ron laughed. Hermione looked angry, however.

"So you're going to learn this by yourself?" she said angrily.

I Must Not Break Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now