Chapter 6

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The months passed. Harry spent most of it planning. He hoped to have Umbridge out by Christmas (which would be a much better Christmas present that completing the Draught of Aura Reader) but he knew it was a false hope. He needed much more time, and, at the moment, Umbridge was the only connection to the Ministry he had.

Finally, December began. The school was soon covered in Christmas decorations, and the students were chattering about presents. Harry, however, wasn't thinking about Christmas. He was thinking about Umbridge and the Draught of Aura Reader potion, which had to be placed in complete darkness for seven minutes and then surrounded by Dark magic for three hours about twenty days before it would be finished.

Harry decided to speak to Umbridge after doing that, because he'd appear exhausted, which was what he wanted.


"Hey, Harry," Blaise said after one Dark magic theory lesson. Angelina, Dean, Seamus, Ernie (who was taking all the classes), the demons, Lee, Finch-Fletchley, and Luna left, also greeting him.

Many of the school had treated Harry differently after finding about about his so-called "relatives." The twins were gentler and more affectionate; most of the girls stopped flirting with him and kept looking at him with pity, which he hated; Seamus had gone back to treating him like a friend (after he began doing so, Dean snogged him in gratitude); and the Slytherins were either more respectful, because he'd survived his relatives and kept them secret, or more disgusted (Malfoy and his stupid cronies). Hermione was the most annoying; at random points during the day, she would look at Harry and her eyes would fill with tears. Ron, like the twins, became gentler and stopped giving Harry bro-punches, and was also more affectionate. Luna was the only one who hadn't changed, probably because she was also bullied. She would just give Harry a dazed smile and talk about Nargles or Humdingers.

"Hey," Harry replied. "How are the lessons going?"

"Great," Blaise answered, smirking. "I was surprised Lovegood wanted to learn; I thought she was a Light witch."

"I think she is," Harry said slowly. "But I also think she's one of those really powerful Light witches who can perform both Light and Dark magic."

Blaise looked faintly awed. "I'd believe that." He shook himself. "Have you felt the Weasley twins' magic?" He looked annoyed, amused, and pleased at the same time.

Harry knew what he was talking about. Fred and George were also Dark, almost incredibly so. They weren't at Harry's or Voldemort's level, but it was enough that it made the Slytherins both wary and delighted.

"I have, and I'm actually not surprised," Harry said dryly. "Let's just hope their mother never finds out."

Blaise shuddered. "You can be sure she'd send Howlers."

Harry recalled the Howler she'd sent Ron in second year and shuddered, too.

"Since you're here," Blaise said, changing the subject, "I'd like to give you something." He pulled an emerald scroll of parchment out of his bag and handed it to Harry.

It was an invitation, written in silver cursive:

Dear Heir Potter-Black,

You are cordially invited to the Zabini Mansion on December 23 at five o'clock. We are hosting the Pureblood Yule Ball this year. A five-course dinner will be served, and there will be dancing. The ball will end at midnight.

Yours Sincerely,

Vittoria Dabria Zabini

Harry groaned, and Blaise gave him an alarmed and slightly hurt look. "I hate dancing," Harry grumbled, and Blaise relaxed, then laughed.

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