Chapter 8

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Magical Aura Test of H. S. R.-P.-P.-B.:

Magic: Dark (100% block, A. P. W. B. D.; 100% broken)

Level: 98/100 (50% block, A. P. W. B. D.; 100% broken)

Abilities: Dark magic (100% block), Transfiguration (40% block), Charms (40% block), Potions (70% block), Defense, Parseltongue (80% block), Necromancy (100% block), Parselmagic (100% block) (blocked by A. P. W. B. D.; all 100% broken)

Creature: Vampire (full) (dominant) (100% block, A. P. W. B. D.; 100% broken)

Soulmate: Blaise Valentino Zabini (Dark Veela) (submissive) (100% block, A. P. W. B. D.; 100% broken)

Temporary Compulsions: (A. P. W. B. D.)

Keep the Sorcerer's Stone from Tom Marvolo Riddle

Save Ginevra Weasley from the Chamber of Secrets

Destroy Tom Marvolo Riddle's Diary

Stop Sirius Orion Black from killing Peter Pettigrew

Use the Time Turner to save Sirius Orion Black and Buckbeak

Let Cedric Diggory take the Triwizard Cup with you

Don't tell anyone about the Blood Quill

Permanent Compulsions: (A. P. W. B. D.) (100% broken)

Trust Albus Dumbledore

Trust Molly Weasley Née Prewett

Trust Ginevra Weasley

Trust Alastor Moody

Trust Hermione Jean Granger

Distrust Severus Tobias Prince

Distrust Tom Marvolo Riddle

Distrust Slytherins

Distrust Dark Wizards

Act Reckless

Don't Act Cunning or Sly

Potions: (A. P. W. B. D.) (100% broken)

Foggy Mind Draught (keyed to all classes except Defense Against the Dark Arts)

Armortentia (keyed to Ginevra Weasley)

Constant Anger Elixir (keyed to Dolores Umbridge)


Horcrux (keyed to Tom Marvolo Riddle) (70% block, A. P. W. B. D.; 100% broken)

Blood Glamour (James Potter with Lily's eyes) (applied by A. P. W. B. D.; 100% broken)

All blocks, compulsions, and potions broken due to early inheritance.

This was... too much.

Harry had known most of this before he'd done the test: the blocks and compulsions, and that he wasn't James' and Lily's son. But the rest-

He was a b****y vampire? What did full mean? Soulmate?! He'd always been Dark?!

I will KILL THAT STUPID OLD MAN! the Horcrux snarled, obviously as angry as Harry was.

"Harry?" Snape's voice broke into his thoughts. "What's wrong?"

Harry realized that he'd lost control of his magic, and it was making all the objects in the room shake. Snape looked panicked and slightly awed as well as confused and concerned.

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