Chapter 10

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The mirror Sirius had gifted him warmed up. Harry pulled it out. "Accept call," he said absently, writing another sentence on his essay.


Harry rolled his eyes and turned back to the mirror. Then he burst out laughing. "What did you do this time, Uncle Padfoot?"

Sirius blanched. He was wearing Slytherin robes, his hair was green and silver, and a note on his forehead said, I love Slytherins!

Remus answered from out of sight. "You don't want to know, cub." He sounded irritated and amused at the same time.

"Now I really want to know what happened," Harry snickered.

"Nothing!" Sirius said quickly. "I'm innocent!"

"No, you're not," Harry and Remus corrected in unison.

"Is there a reason you contacted me, or did you just want to tell me about the prank?" Harry drawled.

"The laws you gave Amelia were all passed," Remus said, taking a seat beside Sirius. He looked tired. "But some -- or a lot -- of the Ministry have been angry at the new laws."

"Stupid creature-haters," Sirius growled.

"A lot of the werewolves and vampires are suffering from those idiots," Remus continued, ignoring Sirius.

"I'll deal with it." That is, have Voldemort deal with it. "Anything else?"

"Nope," Sirius shrugged. "How was your week, pup?"

Harry blushed slightly. "I went on a date with Blaise."

"Oooooh -- ow, Moony!"


Dear Lord Voldemort,

I'm sure you've seen the new laws that have been passed. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy with them. Dark creatures are being attacked, and I can do nothing about it, considering I'm stuck in school. If it isn't too much to ask, could you have your Death Eaters discourage the bullying?



Harry bit his lip when he finished writing the letter. Finally, after a long pause, he wrote another letter to Voldemort, this time in his messy "Boy-Who-Lived" writing.

"Deliver this one in secret, with Hedwig," Harry whispered to Mortem, handing the letter from the Boy-Who-Lived to him. "And this one in person."

Mortem hooted in agreement, nipped Harry's ear affectionately, and disappeared into the shadows.



It will be done.




Voldemort woke up to find a letter on his bedside table, as well as a familiar snowy-white owl.

Potter had sent him a letter?!

Clearly, the white owl -- Hedwig, was it? -- was not leaving without an answer. Sighing, Voldemort picked up the scroll and opened it.


I've recently discovered that Dumbledore has been lying to me about a lot of things. For example, I took a Magical Aura Test, and it told me that I'm a full vampire, which means James and Lily aren't my parents.

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