Chapter 7

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"Today is going to be the last lesson before Christmas break," Harry announced. Immediately, loud protests filled the room. Harry raised his voice. "So, we're going to do something fun today."

Excited murmurs replaced the protests, and many people looked eager.

"We're going to divide into two teams -- no, not girls versus boys -- and..." Harry concentrated. A long hallway appeared in front of them, filled with mist. "...whichever team finishes first wins."

"Wins what?" several people asked.

"Two months' supply of Honeydukes' best chocolate," Harry answered, grinning. "For each person on the winning team. The loser will get half a months' supply of Honeydukes' best chocolate each, if they get through within half an hour after the winning team." He glanced at Ron and Hermione.

Hermione stepped forward. "Team One: Luna Lovegood, leading Hannah Abbot, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Katie Bell, Lavender Brown, Lee Jordan, Michael Corner, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Seamus Finnigan, Susan Bones, Terry Boot, Theodore Nott, Tracy Davis, and Zacharias Smith."

Ron waited for a moment while team one, some of them muttering about being lead by "Loony" moved to the side, then called, "Team Two: Blaise Zabini, leading Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, Antony Goldstein, Cassius Warrington, Cho Chang, Colin Creevey, Daphne Greengrass, Dean Thomas, Dennis Creevey, Ernie Macmillan, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, and Graham Montague."

"Montague's not here today," Blaise called as he walked up to them. He glanced at Harry, and Harry nodded slightly.

"Neither is Seamus, he's got detention with Snape," Dean added, looking relieved to not be against him. Unlike Fred and Lee, who looked excited.

"I don't want to be led by a Slytherin!" Alicia said angrily, and several of the Gryffindors agreed loudly.

Harry felt a flash of anger, then blinked. Why was he so protective of Blaise? Sure, he was good friend, a much better friend than Hermione and Ron, but-

"Suck it up," Ron retorted, earning startled looks from Blaise, Theo, Tracey, Daphne, and Cassius. "They're good people. Haven't they proved that in the last four months? I trust them."

Harry spotted a slight smile on Theo's face, which was slightly pink. Blaise smirked slightly at him, telling Harry he'd spotted that as well.

"Go!" Harry barked. The two groups raced into the mist. The hallway was big enough that there wasn't any pushing or shoving.

"Hey, do you two want to compete against them?" Ron asked Hermione and Harry, grinning.

"Haven't had anything insane or odd happen to me since Halloween," Harry grinned back, earning a laugh from Ron and an eye-roll from Hermione. "Might as well."

Hermione grimaced, probably remembering her failed test from third year. "I'll pass."

"Just us two, then," Ron shrugged. "Let's go!"

To Harry's delight, he and Ron finished almost twenty minutes before the other two teams. They were panting when they got back to the room, exhausted but unharmed.

"You were only in there for twenty minutes!" Hermione looked astounded.

"Felt longer," Harry gasped, collapsing. "I feel... like I just... went a couple... rounds with... Voldemort." Both Ron and Hermione flinched.

"Don't... say his name," Ron complained, collapsing beside him.

Harry glanced at the clock in the Room. It was almost noon. Umbridge would be here soon.

I Must Not Break Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now