Chapter 12

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Hames' driver drove us back to the company. As magical is it may seem, Hames made the accountant give me a $10,000 check.

I couldn't stop staring at the check, counting the number of zeros over and over again. Excitement bubbled in my stomach. If he wasn't present, I would've surely jumped on the table and screamed my lungs out in exhilaration.

"If you're done swooning over the check, you can get your things ready and let's leave." He said gruffly, hanging his suit jacket over on his shoulder, holding it with his hand, with his other hand shoved into his pocket. What was he trying to do? Pose for a photo shoot?

I pursed my lips, regaining my composure and shoved the check into my handbag. "Wait, leave?" I only heard him well enough.

He hummed a positive response. "We're done for today and I'm offering to give you a ride home since the staff bus wouldn't be leaving soon."

"Staff bus? There's a staff bus?" My eyes popped out in shock.

He quirked an eyebrow at me. "You're not aware."

"Absolutely not! This is great, I'll make further enquiries Tomorrow." With a grin, I pivoted and hurried to my office, arranged the things I needed at home into one file, shoving them in my bag and scuttled back to Hames' office.

He had his eyes on his phone. Obviously noticing my presence, he raised his head to me, shoved his phone back into his pants pocket then started out the door.

I quietly followed behind him, not walking too fast nor too slow, just to keep tailing behind him. He walked so confidently and proudly, like he was royalty, obviously calling for attention from everyone around.

He stopped walking all of a sudden and I had to do so too, wondering what was wrong now.

"Don't walk behind me, I hate it when people that aren't bodyguards walk behind me." He said in more of a whisper.

"Okay, Sir." I stepped forward, standing beside him.

He sent me a sideways glance, resuming walking. We got to the elevator, stepping into it after it opened. It travelled us to the ground floor, re-opened then we resumed walking.

Gosh, I knew it was only because of him but that didn't stop me from feeling important as people got out of the way to form a wide path for us, bowing formally in greeting. As we passed different corners, hefty Men appeared in similar black outfits, from nowhere explicable, tailing behind us to serve as bodyguards. This dude commanded so much authority without even uttering a word.

We left through the back door, then to the Parking lot.

One of the Men was a gentleman enough to open the door to the passenger seat for me. Reluctantly, I got into it and Hames did the same. It turned out to be Hames driving this time.

He tossed his Suit coat to the back seat, then started the car, swerving out of the compound.


I kept directing him till he finally arrived at mine and Nikita's house, bringing the car to a stop.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Hendrix." I genuinely appreciated it.

He didn't reply to me but nodded, glancing at the door to indicate I got out of his car.

Without wasting any more time, I opened the door, picked my bag then got out of the car.

After a goodbye wave, I strode to the building, unlocking it with my key then shambled in.

The presence of a $10,000 check in my bag popped into my head. I ran up to our room, immediately throwing my bag on the bed and slipped out the check.

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