Chapter 63

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"You're just returning?"

"Yes, sir." The stupid driver that had driven Imogen had finally arrived but not with her.

"And where is Imogen?"

She made me drive for a really long time then asked me to stop the car in the middle of nowhere, no matter how many times I refused. She said no one should look for her there because she was going to go further away."

"And why are you just returning?"

"She said I shouldn't return home until today. I tried to follow her but lost track of her. I promise it isn't my fault. I also have no idea where she is."

"Please send me the address of where you had dropped her off at, I'll send it to the police."

"Okay, sir, I'll try my best to recall the place." He nodded then left my sight.

I returned into the building, and dropped myself on a sofa.

"Won't you at least have something to eat?" Mom asked, her tone was soaked in worry.

I simply shook my head, resting my head on the arm of the couch and the back of my palm on my forehead.

"You have to eat, Hames." Amanda insisted.

"Who knows what's happening to Imogen? It has been a week now but there's no sign of her."

"You've filed a missing report, right?" Amanda asked.

"Of course I have." I didn't mean to sound rude but it came out rudely out of frustration.

"Kade, why aren't you saying anything? Shouldn't you persuade him to eat or make him not act so lifeless?" Mom asked him with furrowed eyebrows.

Kade cast us a glance and returned his gaze to the football match he was watching. "He's facing the consequences of his actions." He spat.

"This isn't the time to be rude or blame anyone for anything. If he continues this way, he might lose his life and we don't want that to happen. You should understand him better and help him out." Amanda frowned.

"Understand who? He's an idiot," he rolled his eyes, finally resting his gaze on us. "If only he had taken my advice to discuss this with the person he calls his wife, it might not have turned out to be such a mess.

"He was foolish to have kept the secret from Imogen, didn't bother to let her know the true story behind it and now she's missing, and she's pregnant. It's all his fault."

"I was going to tell her after returning from Canada but I figured out she's pregnant. I didn't want to hurt her feelings and cause any harm to our unborn child—"

"So you didn't think she was ever going to find out? Now she's more hurt. She might've forgiven you if she knew the truth from you and not some gold-digger."

"I knew she was going to find out so I wanted to tell her after we had bought stuff  for our baby. I planned a nice dinner to make her happy then let her know in the most harmless way but suddenly Samantha, who was supposed to be in Canada, appeared and said total nonsense. Can you believe she made Imogen believe I spent the entire 1 month in Canada just to spend quality time with her?" My face rumpled in irritation.

"That's very much expected." He replied.

"She made Imogen think I cheated on her,"

"Uh… if only you had kept it in your pants, you wouldn't have cheated on your 'wife' and wouldn't be in this mess." Amanda rolled her eyes.

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