Chapter 60

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Once again, another night, no Hames.

I was more than confused. Why hasn't he returned home after three fucking months?

I returned to my room and took off my jacket, grabbed a towel and left for the bathroom, sinking into the bathtub.

I felt so sick. Hames not being around had made me very dizzy with terrible headaches.

After a long bath, I wrapped a towel around my body and opened the door. I was shocked to see Hames standing in front of the door, also holding the door knob.

"Nah, this is probably a dream." I scoffed, rubbing my eyes but he still stood in front of me.

"You don't believe I'm here?" He raised an eyebrow.

Hearing his voice filled my soul with happiness. I wanted to jump and give him a hug but the happiness erased quickly and transformed to anger.

I walked past him.

"Please don't give me this attitude." He held my hand but it made me angrier.

"Let me be." I sauntered to the wardrobe while he walked behind me.

"Don't be mad at me. I thought you'd be very happy to see me."

"I might've been happy to see if you had come a month ago!" I raised my voice.

"I'm so sorry, baby." He wrapped his arms around me but I pushed him away again.

"Why don't you return to Dubai or Australia and live there forever? You might probably find someone else you'd prefer to spend your time with. Or why don't you get married to your work and forget that you have a wife at home who's dying to meet her husband." I slipped out a nightdress from the wardrobe and strutted to the bed.

He still followed behind me. "I'm really sorry. I had to sort a lot of things out. Don't do this to me. I thought of returning quickly to spend quality time with you." He attempted to hold my hand but I slapped it right away.

"Don't you dare touch me." I pointed my index finger at him, frowning really hard, I could feel my face burning.

"I understand that I was supposed to return home a month earlier but I had to go to Canada to sort out the main business."

"So you went to Canada? And you didn't let me know? Wow!" I clapped.

"I thought I did." He said like he just realized what he had blurted out.

"Well you didn't. Please don't touch me, I'm very pissed off right now."

"At first you looked happy to see me then this? What's with the sudden mood change?"

I ignored him and returned to the wardrobe to grab a new nightdress. Getting rid of the towel, I changed into my night clothes and returned to the bed, laid on it and covered my lower half with a duvet.

"Imogen," he groaned. "This is killing me."

I glared at him but didn't say a word.

"I'll be back." He left for the bathroom.

After a while, he returned. I pretended to be asleep, still not wanting to talk to him. How could he have gone to Canada and didn't let me know? He made two months become three months then he expected me to forgive him so easily?

I stylishly opened an eye to see a shirtless Hames walk towards me then he laid beside me on the bed but I still pretended to be asleep.

My body flinched when his strong arm curled around me. "I'm so sorry." He kissed my neck. An heavenly feeling I missed so bad. "I know you're not asleep." He started caressing my bare thigh, trailing kisses over my face and shoulders.

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