Chapter 36

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"Hey, Lila. Can you come over here?" I asked, crossing my legs while sipping from the juice


"I already left home and I'm heading to your house right now. I'll be there in a few seconds, or a minute. Bye, I have to check something in this stupid car." She groaned. 

"Thanks, babe." I ended the call, dropped the phone and juice box on the table, resting my head and legs on each arm of the chair and resumed watching the television. I had lost interest in the movie long ago but I hadn't turned it off due to the situation at hand ringing in my head. 

Nikita chuckled. I glanced at the dining chair she had pulled to sit in a corner of the living room. She was grinning from ear to ear and her face was crimson. 

"What's going on?" I lifted an eyebrow at her. 

She glanced at me, still grinning. "It's Dash."

"Your loverboy? This isn't the first time you're smiling because of him. I'm certain he's not a one-night stand person." I smirked. 

"Definitely not, I'm really interested in him." She returned her gaze to her phone.

"I'll assume he's rich." 

"Yeah, duh." She scoffed. "Would I ever date a broke dude? Anyway, he's also charming and I believe I've fallen madly in love with him." 

"Or his money?"

"Both, shut up." She waved a hand dismissively. 

The doorbell rang. Was it Lila? I prayed so.

"Nikita, please answer the door." I pleaded. 

"Why can't you answer it?" She frowned. 

"I have a sprained ankle." I pouted. 

"You've been walking all day long, now you remember your ankle is sprained because of the doorbell?" She rolled her eyes. 

"Just answer it!" I snapped. 

She sighed and rose to her feet, sauntered to the door and opened it after unlocking it. I paid close attention to the door, surprised that Lila could be here so soon. 

"Hi." It was confirmed that it was Lila but Nikita slammed the door shut and turned around. "Why is she always here? Doesn't she have a house?" She returned to the chair. 

"You're so mean." I shook my head, sitting up straight 

Lila reopened the door and strolled in, wearing a frown. "Nikita, what was that for?"

"That's for taking my perfume home and shattering it!" She soat. 

"I thought it was Imogen's."

"It's still mine and you broke it, it's gone. A rich dude bought that for me as a gift, it cost a fortune but you destroyed it." 

"I'll repay the money for the perfume if it's not above what I can afford." She suggested.

"I don't need your money."

"Then what do you need?!" She threw her hands up. 

Nikita didn't say a word but returned her gaze to her phone and her smile returned. 

Lila stared at her in bewilderment but shook her head and ambled to me. 

I pulled her to sit beside me. "You must've heard the news of Mr. Hawthorn's company being set on fire, right?" 

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