Chapter 19

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"Miss Mark, please get me coffee." Hames ordered, tracing the head of his pen around the printed words on the file in his hands. 

"Okay, sir." I nodded, turning around with a yawn and to the kitchen to make him coffee. 

I was having a very terrible headache. I knew I had gotten so drunk last night but I couldn't clearly remember all that had happened. 

Nevertheless, 'she's my girlfriend' kept ringing in my head,increasing the terrible headache I was having. 

I was also damn hungry. I also remembered puking my guts out, my throat was still hurt from the pressure of vomiting. I must've been too tough to handle for Hames. 

I glanced down and my clothes and my eyes widened. It only hit my brain that I was in a baggy gown that had this hotel's logo on it when I woke up this morning. I didn't remember changing my clothes last night. 

Hames had definitely brought me here. He couldn't have changed my clothes, could he? No no no. Holy cows, there was no way he could've done that. 

I quickly poured the coffee into a mug, served it on a tray and began scuttling out of the kitchen.

I strode to him, placing the tray on the table in front of him. "Your coffee." I said. 

He raised his head from his file, glanced at the coffee then dropped the files on the table before picking the mug of coffee and took a sip of it, ignoring its hotness. 

"There's a lot to do. Don't just stand there doing nothing." He jerked his thumb in the direction of a pile of papers on the chair beside his. "You should first sort those out, arrange them in the right order then you know what to do next."

"I'll do that but I have a question, Mr. Hendrix." There was no point in calling his name but I still did that.

"A question?" He quirked an eyebrow, taking another sip of his coffee. 

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, go on," he took another sip. 

"I know I got drunk last night and I genuinely apologize." I started. 

"It was very stupid of you." He commented. Ouch, that was rude.

"I know. Firstly, I woke you this morning. I had a really terrible headache and I guess it affected my proper thinking but I only realized that I was not in the clothes I had worn last night." I drew my lower lip between my teeth. "Could you have perhaps… uh… did you call for someone to change my clothes?"

He sat up straight, taking another sip of his coffee. "You threw up in my car, you owe me for that. Your dress was ruined so I changed it for you."

My eyes bugged out of their sockets and my mouth went agape. I wanted to say something but nothing came out till I forced myself to scream, "what?!"

"Yes. I did, and you should be grateful I didn't leave you to sleep smelling like garbage."

"Hames, how could you?" I gushed, ignoring how rude I was being to my boss. I clenched my fists, wishing I could hit him with them multiple times. 

He cast a glance at me, letting out a chortle. "I didn't, silly. A few women helped you out with a bath and new clothes. You're welcome." He took another sip of his coffee. 

Relief flooded me like water from the beach filling an empty bucket. Was that simile sensible enough?

"Gosh," I placed my hands on my chest with a sigh of relief. "I was going to die of shock."

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