Chapter 37

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"Mom, this makes absolutely no sense." I said to Mia, scanning myself in the mirror. Though Kim had done wonders to my face and hair to make me look more stunning than ever and the wedding dress was screaming its expensiveness, this entire day was a shithole to me. 

"How and why?" Nikita rolled her eyes, standing in front of me to view herself in the mirror. "Whoa, I'm in love with how I look."

"How and why? I'm literally being forced into this marriage, it's really wrong. Hames has proven to be a terrible person once again." I walked up to Mia. 

"I agree it was wrong of him to force you but I'd definitely do that also if I were in his place. To have the man I want as mine completely?" Nikita scoffed. "He waited for too long. I'd have done this the next month after falling in love rather than two years."

"You're one lucky babe and I'm so happy for you because I'm certain you won't find anyone better than Hames who loves you. You've never been lucky in love and none of the men you've been with were able to bear with some of your crazy attitude but I'm certain Hames would." Lila added. 

"If only both of you would shut the hell up and let me speak with my mother. You're both a bad influence and I'll only trust my mother's words." I turned to Mia. "I need the best advice." 

Mia sighed, having the happiest expression on. "Your husband-to-be definitely seems like a good partner. I agree with Lila on the fact that you've never been lucky in love."

"How can you tell whether or not he seems like a good guy just by looking at him? You don't know him but I've been working as his secretary for a good amount of time to know that he's terrible." 

All three of them shared glances at one another then burst into laughter. 

"What's so funny?"

"You're so clueless. Hames has met all three of us." Nikita said between her laughter. 

Mia ended her laughter with a chuckle. "He came to me to ask for my permission to propose to you but I guess he was unable to do it due to lack of time." Good thing he didn't do it else I'd have rejected his proposal but was still going to get married to him anyway. "He told me a lot of things he has done for you and I'm certain you won't ever find a guy better than him. He made me feel happier than I had ever felt since I got married."

"He should at least give me a chance to fall in love first, don't you get it?"

"I definitely do, sweetheart. I want what's best for you as your mother and in a way, you have no other option. Lila told me about the contract." She shrugged.

"You'll just have to accept the fact that he's your husband. The earlier you accept it, the better it will be." Lila walked up to me and held my shoulders. 

"Please hurry up, you won't be late to your own wedding, would you? The photographer is waiting for us before we leave for the church, my church." Mia winked. 


With my arm around Mia's, we walked down the aisle of the extremely big church that had a lot of empty chairs. 

I could tell this was going to be a very boring wedding because there were only 12 people here; Trisha, Kade, Jovi, the Pastor, 3 photographers, Lila, Nikita, Mia and definitely me and Hames.

I glanced at Trisha who grinned at me. Anyone could read the happiness on her face from a million miles away. I returned her smile with a slight wave. 

We reached the altar. I stood in front of Hames and let go Mia with Lila and Nikita behind me while Kade was behind Hames, and the Pastor in front of us. 

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