Chapter 5 - Zayn

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Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid.

Why did I agree to this? I'm not prepared. He probably still hates me. No. He definitely hates me. He's just here to yell at me. Maybe kill me. That would be nice. Or no, Niall couldn't harm a fly. Maybe this is all a ploy to humiliate me. I deserve that I guess. He'll probably-

I stop pacing the living room the second I hear the door bell ring. My blood runs cold and my breath gets stuck in my throat.


This is really happening. After six years I get to see Niall again. And I look like absolute garbage and probably smell like death. Fuck!

I sprint up the stairs and into the master bedroom before practically ripping the filthy clothes off my body. They fly who knows where as I sprint into the closet grabbing the first things I can see. Which so happens to be a pair of plain, black sweatpants and a Heartbreak Weather crewneck.

Great. Now I seem like a total stalker. But I'm just supporting my former bandmates. And they do make really good music. Which is no surprise.

I put the clothes on before I can panic over that too and sprint down the stairs again, not really caring that my hair looks like a birds nest.

I take a deep breath before grabbing the door handle, putting on the best smile I can muster when unlocking and opening the door.

There are two men standing on my doorstep. Both wearing sweatpants and hoodies with a pair of sunglasses covering their eyes and a beanie covering most of their hair. One of the hoodies is one of Harry's. I feel my smile getting slightly less fake.

Niall is obviously the one on the right. I'd recognize him anywhere. Same goes for the man on the left. Seeing him again after all these years fills me with dread. Don't get me wrong I'm extremely happy to see him again after all these years, but also terrified.

God, please just let the ground swallow me whole right now.

I stare at Niall and Louis for a second longer before stepping aside inviting them in, "Hi lads. Please, step into my humble abode. I'm aware I look like I just came back from the dead, it fells like that too. I woke up laying outside, in the middle of nowhere with a hangover from hell two hours out."

Someone please kill me now.

Louis and Niall stare at me, dumbfounded and clearly shocked at my words and probably appearance as well. Trying not to let my anxiety swallow me whole, I turn around and walk into the kitchen. "Let yourselves in! Tea anyone?", I shout while filling the kettle, hearing the door shut and them enter.

"You have Yorkshire?" Louis asks from behind me. I spin around seeing them standing in the living room, looking at me with questioning eyes.

Louis let his hair grow out after his live concert in December. It's even longer than it was back in the day. It suits him. His blue eyes are wide open, soft eyebrows raised. He looks almost the same, which is easing my nerves slightly. Maybe he doesn't hate me after all. I mean, he's here after all these years.

"Um, yes. Of course." I mumble. It's first now I notice the shopping bags in their hands. Having no idea what it is I blurt out the first thing that comes to min, "That ropes and torture devices and shit you've brought to finally end me after we sit down and have a cuppa?" God, I hate my brain right now.

Both Louis and Niall burst out laughing, dropping their bags on the floor. It feels so good to finally hear something familiar I start laughing with them too. It's just like old times.

"Yeah. We're gonna whip you with a banana and suffocate you with pastries.", Niall manages to get out in between laughs. The smile on his face is enough to make my anxiety calm down a bit before I hear Louis add, "Well at least you'll be dying a tasteful death then!"

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