Chapter 9 - Niall

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"HONEY! WE'RE HOME!", I yell out while knocking on Zayn's door.

An arm punches my shoulder. I turn around, glaring at Liam and Harry. Those fuckers are bent over laughing.

I mutter, "Idiots" before I lean my weight against the door. Louis and Zayn are taking awfully long to open a god damn door.

"You should've seen your face!" Harry has finally stopped laughing, his cheeks pink from the cold wind. "Priceless!", Liam agrees with a nod.

Harry looks thoughtful for a second before asking, "So, do we know who lives here, or are we just knocking on strangers' doors for kicks now?"

I scowl at them, refusing to say anything.

His question is soon answered though. When the door flies open suddenly, causing me to fall backwards, crashing into someone. Before I can even blink, I'm laying on top of a body.

I groan, rolling off what appears to be Zayn. The laughter from the men outside die down immediately once they realize who I just crushed.

Liam has turned pale. Mouth and eyes wide open. He quite frankly looks like he's seen a ghost, staring at Zayn clutching his chest.

Harry looks torn between excitement and guilt. His face turned into a grimace while looking at Zayn.

His expression changes quickly when Louis walks up to us. "What the hell is happening here? Why are you on the floor Zee?", he asks, looking down at Zayn who's still trying to catch his breath.

"Got crushed by an Irish potato sack." He answers with a shrug.

I scoff before pulling Zayn off the floor, surprised at how light he still is. I thought he was doing better. Nope, not gonna stress about that right now.

When I look at his face close up, I notice his red eyes and puffy cheeks. I bring my hands up to his face before pulling him n for a hug. "You okay Zayn?", I ask quietly.

He nods before pulling away. I don't push it further, deciding to handle the situation at hand first.

Louis doesn't look as nervous as I'd expected him to be, leaning against the black wall. Or maybe he's just learnt to conceal it better.

Seeing as Harry and Liam are still glued to the spot, not seeming to move any time soon. I move behind them and push them both inside the house, closing the door behind us.

When the door smacks shut, the hallway is filled with a heavy silence only broken by breathing. I send Zayn a questioning look. He just sends a helpless one back.

God! This is more tense than at Ellen's after Zayn left back in 2015.

"You can cut the tension in here with a knife." I say under my breath without thinking.

When I realize what I said, I slap my hand over my mouth right before a furious and confused looking Harry whirls around. "What the actual fuck Niall!"

I feel my shoulders slump as my hand drops from my face. My breath hitches in my throat. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.

Not knowing what else to do, I start laughing.

I bend over laughing my arse off. Gripping my knees for support. Harry's face softens a bit before he too burst out laughing. Pretty soon his laughing and my cackling is mixed with the other's laughs and giggles as well.

I stumble forward, crashing into Harry this time, who being the clumsy giant he is, falls down with means brings Liam and Zayn as well as Louis.

I'm curled up in a ball, clutching my stomach, trying to catch my breath. In some ways, the five of us practically dying of laughter feels so familiar and safe. It feels like home.

Once the laughter dies down, we're just a heap of limbs trying to catch our breath.

Zayn is the first to stand up. With difficulties from being buried under Liam and Harry. Groaning, we all soon follow.

Before it can get awkward again, I take walk past the others and into the living room, flinging myself down on the couch again.

Now we just have to convince Liam and Harry that a reunion is a good option. The best.

Zayn and Louis are next to sit down, after telling me to, "Move your arse. You're taking the entire thing."

Next is Harry and Liam hesitantly walking into the living room. They seem to be taking in Zayn's abnormally clean home before eyeing the couch.

Zayn lets out a couch, scooting closer to where Louis and I are sitting before patting the spot next to him. "Sit down, please. It won't bite."

Harry lets out a chuckle before moving to sit down, soon followed by Liam.

Zayn's couch is surprisingly big enough for us all to sit comfortably.

We're again left in an uncomfortable silence. Silence is over rated if you ask me. My heart picks up when I realize that this is the time for us to talk about it. After nearly six years we're going to have the conversation I've been longing for. Either this goes amazing, or it goes horribly.

I know that we're for sure not going to do this if not all of us are on board. I'm just really hoping that's not the case.

I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants before opening my mouth, looking at Zayn and Louis for confirmation. "Let's cut right to the case."




How are you?

I'm so excited for Don't Worry Darling! I'll definitely cry when the trailer comes out.

Do you have a fav? if so who?

I'm trying to draw Harry, but his hair. I can't do hair, and my dumb arse chose a pic of LHH. I'm done with me tbh.

I hope you liked this short, messy chapter though.

Remember to eat and drink water. TPWK

Please don't hesitate to message me if you want to talk or just rant!

- Emily xx

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