Chapter 28 - Liam

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When entering Louis' hospital room, I was met with a sight I didn't expect at all. Not in a million years.

I've been building up the courage to see Louis hurt and hooked up to machines. Basically prepared for the worst. But instead, what I'm seeing is bringing a huge smile to my face. and looking at Zayn, it's having the same effect on him too.

Harry must've come back at some point tonight. Because he's sleeping heavily under the covers. Louis' head resting on his chest, sound asleep as well.

Making as little noise as possible not to wake up the sleeping couple, I fish my phone out of my pocket, snapping a picture of the two cuddled together. The only thing making my heartache is tha fact that we're in a hospital and Louis' arm is in a cast.

He has a bandage on his forehead, covering the cut from the impact. The bruising around it doesn't look too comfortable though.

We got really lucky. He's not seriously injured, he's gonna make a full recovery. We'll be alright.

"Are we just gonna stand here watching them like creeps and taking their picture, or are we gonna actually wake them?", Zayn playfully nudges my shoulder, hinting at the really cute picture I took of them.

Sue me.

Niall might just have killed me if I didn't.

Speaking of Niall. He's still pissed at Zayn and I for eventually going to sleep in Zayn's bed when it got closer to 3 am. Finally having had enough of trying and failing to fall asleep on the sofa. His exact words were, 'why would you wake me when I was kind enough to give the two of you a chance to fuck?'.

Then he simply rolled over in the bed, allowing us about a third of the space. Which he would've been okay with, but when he woke up on the floor...I hadn't even heard half the curses that Irish fella uttered.

I meet Zayn's eye, a devious glint playing in them. "Do whatever you want, bub."

"I'll be right back.", he says as he pecks my lips before sprinting down the hall and out of sight.

Clearly, the staff doesn't care about people acting like mad men.

I let out a chuckle, walking over to the chair placed next to the bed. The soft snores and breaths being one of the dew noises heard in the otherwise busy hospital.

The fact that Simon would throw an aneurysm of he saw Harry and Louis cuddling like this outside of their home makes a wave of anger erupt deep in my gut. That nasty, judgmental man that we just can't seem to escape.

On second note though, maybe if he saw this, he'd throw an aneurysm and be unable to do his job.

The thought has a smirk forming. One that is replaced by shock when the man I was just thinking about walks through the door instead of Zayn.

What the hell?

But what really throws me off is the bruises and dried blood all over him. The slight limp in his walk and the way he clutches his side, his features held in a painful expression.

Instead of rushing to his aid, I do the opposite. I don't even mean to when a loud cackle erupts from my throat at the hurt man, making Harry and Louis stir in their sleep from the loud noise. It thankfully didn't wake them, seeing as they both need their rest.

"Who hit you on the way out?", I laugh, earning a glare. If looks could kill, I'd be dead.

Simon grits his teeth, "None of your fucking business."

"What are you doing here, Coward?", I ask, not really caring about his venomous tone.

My lack of reaction seems to only agitate him more when he goes red, walking up to me while making himself as big and threatening as possible, "You watch your tone with me, boy.", he seethes through gritted teeth.

Did he just -?

Without warning, I spring from my seat, balling the injured man's shirt before dragging him out og the room, "Have some fucking respect. Boy."

When I practically throw him into the wall, Simon looks up at me from his position on the floor, the bruises only making him look ten times uglier than before.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before asking my question, "Did Harry by any chance drop by your office last night and throw you around a bit?"

Simon has confusion written all over his nasty face, clearly baffled by the fact that I know who beat him.

I let out a chuckle rid of all humour, "Did you really think none of us would retaliate at some point, huh? You think we wouldn't get tired of your homophobic arse abusing us from we were teenagers? Harry just happened to nearly lose the love of his life because of you and your stupid management team.", I say in disbelief before adding with a shrug:

"Harry also looked borderline homicidal when he rushed out of the hospital in the middle of the night after hearing that Louis would be okay."

For once in his life, Simon holds his tongue.

I give him the finger along with a warning before I go back to Louis' room, "Don't you even think about coming inside. I might just give you worse than you've already got. And it will definitely make all the money you wasted on botox be in vain."

Not that they weren't in vain already. Botox certainly hasn't done him any favours.

Closing the door behind me, I notice Harry is now woken up and is watching, admiring, Louis. The look on his face radiates love and adoration for the man. There is no way they're going to go back to ignoring each other in the eye of the public anymore. Not when they've already lost each other once.

I don't want to do that either.

Harry's eyes snap up when the sound of the door brings his attention to me. "What were you doing?", he asks, voice raspy from the lack of use. I hope.

"Nothing.", I say innocently. Receiving a nod as I return to my previous seat, Louis still asleep.

I swear, that man can sleep through a hurricane.

"So where'd you run off to last night?", I question Harry. Curious to see if he'll tell me or lie.

He actually tells me the truth without hesitation, "Paid the dick, no. Not dick. That would be offensive to dick. Shrimp. Yes. I paid the shrimp a little visit that ended with him on the floor and my bruised knuckles matching his face."

I shouldn't feel this amount of pride over something like beating another person up. But I do. Harry had the balls to go to 'the shrimp's office and beat the shit out of him and owning it after. The pride I feel has a bashful grin erupting on my face.

"I am so fucking proud of you, Haz.", I praise him, "Bet he looks like even more of an insect now."

"He does.", Harry laughs. The smile reaching his eye for the first time since we all went to Simon's office.

We're interrupted by Zayn bursting through the door with a curious expression and hands full of ice packs.

"Why the fuck is, you know who, laying on the floor outside the door full of bruises and shit?"

"Yeah, about that."


Hey besties!

This is kinda just a filler for my own personal happiness.

Also, I'll most likely end the fic at around thirty before starting the sequel.

I'm really tired now, but stream Walls by Louis Tomlinson.

I re watched Louis' live earlier today, and I had nearly forgotten how much joy that concert gave me. I can't even describe it.

Any who, I hope you liked this chapter.

Take care of yourselves and TPWK!!!

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

- Emily xx

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