Chapter 23 - Liam

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"Oh, shut up Li.", Zayn laughs.

"Why? I'm just telling it as it is.", I continue to tease him.

He looks at me with mock offence, "You said I looked like a kitten. I just wanna know why."

We've been looking through old photos from back in 2012. And when we came across one of Zayn trying to look intimating, I blurted that he looks like an angry kitten. Probably should've kept my mouth shut, now that I think about it.

But alcohol makes me say things without thinking.

"I have no explanation. It's just how I see it.", I say matter-of-factly, earning a playful smack to the back of my head.

I pout at Zayn, seeing his cheeks being a shade darker than usual. "Am I making Zayn Malik blush?", I exclaim, smacking my hands to the sides of my face with my mouth wide open.

When Zayn only tries to hide a smile, turning his face away, I know I am.

"You're totally blushing right now." I gloat at his pink cheeks, allowing him to take a moment to come up with a comeback.

"It's just the wine.", he tries. He looks embarrassed, keeping his head slightly down, not meeting my eye.

Did it really affect him that much?

"Hey. Look at me.", I force him to meet my eye by cupping his face, scooting closer. "Don't be embarrassed. Please. Not with me."

Zayn offers me a slight smile, "I'm not."

"Liar.", I only grin wider, "But you look cute, so I'll let it slide."

The compliment only makes his fading blush heat up again. He sighs in defeat when he realizes I noticed. "Fine, you're making me blush. Happy?"

I lean in closer, "Very."

I hear his breath hitch as our faces are now only inches apart. Our breathing mixing in the small space separating our lips.

I feel my own heartbeat speed up at the mere thought of kissing him again.

I know we still have our issues to work out, but we've still come so far. I don't wanna let the past stop us from moving forward. And with everything going on with Simon and the reunion, don't we deserve one good thing?

Or maybe he doesn't want me like that anymore. It may be all in my head.

I flick my eyes from his lips and back to his caramel ones. If the feeling in my belly didn't kill me, the look he has in his eyes will for sure be the death of me.

He looks at me like he can't decide whether he wants to eat me or kiss me. But there's such warmth in his eyes, I can't look away.

Not when his head inches closer to mine, his warm breath hitting my lips.

"Can I kiss you?"

He wants to kiss me. He actually does. Shit. Wow. No. don't panic.

I swallow the nerves. And before I can back out, I close the gap.

The second his lips meet mine, his hands fly to my hair, pulling me closer.

His lips are so soft, perfect when they move against mine in a sloppy way. Neither of us caring. Too lost in the feeling, the smell, the taste of each other.

If this is how I die, I'd die a happy man. if I'm gonna die today, please let it be now.

Zayn moves to straddle my lap, still having a death grip on my hair. I just don't care. He can rip it off if he wants.

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