Chapter 12 - Liam

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After breaking Zayn's coffee table, we got off the floor and hurried out of his house.

We drove Louis' car to the club we're at, I completely forgot what it's called. The car ride was filled with an awkward silence, as Louis drove, Niall insisted on sitting in the front, Harry sat behind Louis, me behind Niall and Zayn in the middle.

Louis wouldn't let Niall turn on the radio, stating that, "I will not listen to anything else that this car or you morons."

Which ended up with the car being the loudest.

Niall seemed to be in his own little world, occasionally laughing at strange people we drove past. Louis was focusing on driving the car. I caught Harry staring at him for long periods of time before quickly looking out the window for only a second, then back at Louis.

Me on the other hand, sitting pressed against Zayn ended up being awkward as fuck.

We would make eye contact from time to time, but none of us said a thing.

There is so much I'd like to say to him. Do. But I didn't have the courage to open my fucking mouth. His smell, the feel of his arm against mine filling my every thought and sense during the 20 minute drive.

I wanted to kiss his stupid face. Run my hand through his stupid hair. Look into his stupid eyes. Have my words fill his stupid ears as his stupid words fill mine. I want his stupid self back.

He's not stupid.


I'm now running on many shots of tequila, tequila, tequila, dancing. And I want Zayn back.

The club we're at is packed with people. Many people of all genders and raging from teenagers to well above their fifties. A lot of sweaty, drunk bodies dancing close together to the music on the dance floor.

The air smells like weed, sweat and alcohol. It honestly makes me wanna throw up the alcohol I've had.

I lost sight of Niall, Harry and Louis under the led lights when we got here, being swallowed by the crowd when I went to the bar.

But I know exactly where Zayn's been this entire time. Admiring his dark hair, a few strands falling in front of his eyes. His leather jacket matching it.

The glass of whatever drink he's drinking being brought up to hi pink lips. Those lips I so badly want to crash against my own.

I don't realize I've been staring until his eyes meet mine. Some girl bumps into me, causing me to almost fall slat on my arse because of the alcohol coursing through my veins.

I see Zayn shaking his head slightly before abandoning his drink and the woman trying to hit on him as he makes his way over to me.

"Heeyy there.", I smile sheepishly at him when he's close enough to hear me over the music blaring through the speakers.

Zayn stops right in front of me, offering me a smile, "Hey.", before gently grabbing my hand.

"Let's get out of here before you end up hurting yourself.", he urges, starting to drag me with him.

I follow, struggling to walk in a straight line. "Zayyyn. What about Larry and Ni?", I slur.

Zayn keeps walking, his hand tightly grabbing mine. The warmth from his hand alone giving me a high tequila could only dream about. "I'll text them, but we're getting a taxi.", he informs me as he pushes the door open.

The cold air hits my face when we step out of the club, making me scrunch up my nose in discomfort. The smell of food instantly making my mouth water as I stumble after Zayn down the steps.

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