Chapter 11 - Harry

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"Do you wanna get back together again? All of us?"

Louis, Niall and Zayn all look between Liam and me with hope and excitement in their eyes.

I don't know why it is, but them clearly wanting to be together again lifts a huge weight I didn't even know I carried off my shoulders.

A wide grin that hurts my cheeks spreads on my tear stained face, making my dimples carve deeply into my cheeks.

Zayn smiles back, poking my dimple while making a pop sound with his mouth, causing me to let out a loud laugh.

It really hurt that Zayn thought I hated him for leaving. I could never hate him, he's my brother. Although, I see how he got the impression, that was never my intentions. I was just so hurt when he told me.

Looking back at it now, I should've handled it differently. Any other way would've been better than the one I chose. Blinded by the hurt and betrayal, I didn't even think about how deeply Zayn must've been struggling to make that decision.

I glance over at Liam, seeing him wear the same, shit eating grin matching mine. He gives me a nod, scratching his beard, thinking, "Hmm. I'm gonna have to think about that."

I have to give it to him, he's a great actor.

A wave of confusion washes over Louis' delicate features, causing a frown to turn his lips upside down. Niall manages to keep a poker face, even though I can see the sadness clouding his bright eyes at the thought of Liam rejecting them.

Zayn is a whole other level of grief. The look on his face is as though Liam just told him his family was killed by his long lost brother, who then ran his dog over with his car. Leaving Zayn alone in this world.

The tears threatening to spill has Liam quickly halting his attempt at messing with them. "No, no. Don't look at me like that."

When that doesn't work, he completely caves. "I was joking! I'm so sorry! Of course I want to. Just for the love of Jesus me, quit looking at me like the sun is blowing up!", he pleads, desperation lacing his every word.

I find myself having to slap a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing when the looks of hurt are replaced by pure betrayal.

"WHAT?" "No, no. That's not funny!" "Bloody hell mate. What was that for?"

They all start speaking at the same time before I simply can't hold it in anymore. I let out a loud cackle, causing all eyes to snap in my direction.

I bend over, hitting my thigh laughing. Liam bursts out laughing too, "You, you should've seen the looks on your faces!", he exclaims in between laughs.

I feel a hand hit me in the back of the head, making me look at Zayn with a slight scowl, "What'd you do that for?"

"Not funny Haz." He looks at me with an unimpressed look as I can still hear Liam wheezing from behind me.

Louis tries to sound sure when he asks, "Does that mean you're in too?"

I don't have it in me to drag it out when I see the hop on his angelic face. "We still sound alright together, I guess. So why not?", I say with a shrug.

"I guess?", Niall repeats, mouth dropped and looking deeply offended.

I struggle to keep my face serious when I speak, "Yeah. We don't sound like a bag of dying birds."

That finally has Niall cracking up along with Zayn and Louis. Liam's barely had the chance to recover before his cackling again.

When we've finally calmed down, Niall clarifies, "So, we're all in?"

"Fuck yeah!" "Definitely!" "Yes!" "You know I am."

"Great!", I say clapping my hands together. "We're getting the band back together!"

We cheer as we stand up from out seats, practically falling on top of each other on the poor coffee table. I'm at the bottom, getting the air squeezed out of my lungs by the others before I hear a crack.

"Oh no." I mumble as the coffee table gives out.

It breaks down the middle, causing us to crash down to the floor, spread out. Limbs everywhere.

If anyone saw us right now, they must think we're drunk off our arses with the way we're laughing and groaning in pain on top of each other, surrounded by the pieces of what once was a coffee table.

At this moment. Right now, I couldn't give five fucks about the pain in my body or the foot in my face. I'm so filled with happiness being surrounded, literally, by my four best mates in the entire world.

If I suddenly had a heart attack right now, I'd die happy.

Well, there's one more thing that would make my life complete, but I'm not gonna think about that right now. I'm just gonna enjoy the feeling of home as long as I can.

Which apparently really isn't that long when Niall opens his mouth.

"Let's get pissed!"



I am pissed rn. I had almost finished this chapter, when my PC shut off. And my stupid arse had completely forgotten to save it while writing. So I had to write it all over again.

So I apologize for it being bad and so short.

I am now eating chocolate and watching/listen to the San Siro concert. 

I don't need therapy. I have Spotify, San Siro, Behind The Album and Fanfiction.

What more can you need?

Also I am going back to school today. Kinda freaking out about it right now. It's probably be fine. Right?

I haven't really been to school that much this year. So this should be interesting. 

But hey! Louis Fookin Tomlinson with long hair!!!!

I don't have words

I also also have been trying to improve on digital art.

If you wanna check it out, it's on my instagram.

Any who, I hope you liked this chapter! Or at least didn't hate it.

I hope you're doing alright. 

Remember to eat and drink water. TPWK

PLease don't hesitate to message me here or on instagram if you ever need to talk or rant. My instagram is emi_mk97

- Emily xx

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