Chapter 25 - Harry

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The anger burning through me literally makes me see red as I rip the door to my car open before throwing myself inside, not fazed by the pain shooting through my head from where it collided with the roof of the vehicle.

When seeing Niall so riddled with guilt over something that he had nothing to do with, it just made me so fucking angry. I barely managed to refrain from punching a hole through the wall when he told me what had happened.

This wasn't Niall's fault. There is only one man to blame for this, and his name is Simon fucking Cowell.

I didn't piece what could've made Louis spiral to the degree where he would be reckless enough to drive after practically drowning himself in alcohol until Niall told me everything. Or what he could in the state he was in when I found him in a very restricted area of the hospital.

Louis wouldn't care if anyone saw him drunk off his arse. But he wouldn't want to be caught dead drunk and broken. Because that's what he must've been.

I'm sure he had a notebook he wrote stuff in a desperate attempt to make the pain lessen before Niall called him. At least, that's something he used to do before.

Louis made sure that we don't have to lie anymore when he posted all those pictures on Twitter and liked it from his own account, but that probably had some pretty severe consequences I don't even want to think about.

What I do know is that the meeting three days ago fucked him up really bad. It was bound to go wrong somewhere along the way, but never this wrong.

When I stormed through the waiting room on my way out like a fucking mad man, Zayn grabbed my arm to tell me that Louis is going to live.

The relief I was supposed to feel never came when I stood there, looking at him with my mouth wide open. Words stuck in my throat.

All I felt was the rage that hasn't lessened and an intense sadness that made my eyes water as I gave zayn a quick hug before storming out.

This was never supposed to happen.

Louis and I were supposed to live happily ever after. To never care what people said. And we didn't care. We were manipulated and forced to hide. But not anymore.

When I've taken care of this, I'm gonna do something myself. And he's not gonna like it one bit.

Before I know it, the tall building is in front of my parked car and I'm stepping out into the cold night air.

I rush inside and towards the elevator, through the nearly vacant lobby. It's nearly the middle og the night, so I guess that's to be expected.

But I know for a fact that sleazy bastards is still gonna be in his office. Seeing as it's only Wednesday.

Ever since I got the call from Niall, telling me to get my arse to the hospital, I've been trying to contain the tears that keep trying to fight their way to the surface. A dreadful feeling in my gut that practically screams at me that Louis is going to die.

That I'll lose him for good. And that it's my fault. I should've checked on him when he didn't come to the house yesterday. Even though Niall said he was busy, Louis said he had zero plans for the week when we were at Zayn's place before the meeting.

I should've known.

Before I can stop it, my cheeks have salty teardrops running down them. dripping on my t-shirt, making the area around my neck wet with tears.

I can't control it. I don't know what's taking over me when an almost primal scream erupts from my throat, making my ears ring as the elevator door opens.

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