Chapter 20 - Zayn

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I was planning on spending another day wallowing in my own misery accompanied by nothing but a joint and alcohol.

But that little Irish potato of a leprechaun called me before I had even opened my eyes, demanding that I meet him at some address.

His exact words were, "Get your arse out of bed, Malik, and come meet me. That's an order."

If I hadn't obliged, he would eventually show up here and drag me out himself. I'd rather go six feet under than be dragged out of bed by my foot.

It's happened before.

So that brings me here, with both feet still intact.

The address he wanted me to meet him at is a secluded house locked behind a gate. It's surrounded by a beautiful garden, flowers that are just starting to come to life after the rough winter. It's a three-story brick house from what I can tell.

All I can see, really, is the front of the house, front yard and the asphalt taking a right after the gate. Probably towards a garage or something.

I really don't feel like sitting in my car all day, so I dial Niall's number.

"Why am I here?", I ask him once he picks up.

"Hello to you too Zayn.", he responds sarcastically. "I'll let you in."

And with that, the gate opens, allowing me to drive through. It closes behind me the second I've passed it. Ok.

I follow the path, spotting Niall, Liam and Harry waiting for me by Niall's car in front of what looks like a garage.

What the hell?

I put the car in park, not bothering with where before stepping out of the car.

Harry and Liam seem just as confused as I feel when I approach them, the wind stinging my cheeks. You'd think the hedge would offer some kind of protection from it. Guess not.

Niall on the other hand looks like a kid on Christmas.

What the hell is he up to?

"Hey lads.", I greet them once I'm close enough, earning a smile and a nod in return.

"Okay!", Niall exclaims, rubbing his hands together in excitement. "Louis couldn't make it, but I already told him."

"Told him what?", Harry questions, his nose red from the cold.

"I was getting to that." Niall starts walking towards the front door, leaving us to trail behind.

"This is only if you want to, but this is our house.", he doesn't sugar coat it. Just puts it out there as casual as if he was offering us a coffee.

"Excuse me?", Liam stops dead in his tracks. "This is why you bought the house?"

I can't tell if he's happy, sad or angry about it from behind him.

Did Niall plan this?

"Yes, I did.", he replies, turning around to face us, a smug look on his face. "And before you ask, no this wasn't planned. I was looking at houses last night, with no intention of buying any. But then I came across this beauty and thought it would be perfect for the five of us to live in. If you want, of course.", he explains.

"So, let me get this right. You bought a giant house on an impulse with the intention of us living together in it. All of us. Without checking if we were actually interested.", Harry tried to make sense of it, only causing Niall's grin to widen.

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