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(𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔: 1894)

Wanda's hand is shown. Red aura is around her. "I used to think of myself one way," Wanda is shown in prison in a straitjacket.

"What happened?" Frigga asked "Why's she in this?" Asked Peggy. Her brother watched this and hugged her.

"But after this," She's in the subway using her power to protect Vision. "I am something else," She's in Hydra's base, during experiments on her.

She turned her head around, because she just wanted to forget about it. Everyone in the room watched with horror in their eyes Wanda's past. Agatha smirked slightly.

"I'm so sorry." Vision whispered softly. "No, no. It's okay. It's in the past, right." Wanda replied, but tears were seen in her eyes.

"Still me, I think, But that's not what everyone else sees." She's in a cage playing (please don't comment this XD) with blocks, destroying them, and then with her power destroying a glass wall.

"Wow, you're so powerful." commented Peter. Loki, Frigga, Wong, The Ancient One and Strange were impressed but said nothing.

Agatha opens the door for her, and she walks in.

These ones that knew that she was in here, glanced at her.

World around her is black and white and then became colourful.

"What's happening?" Steve and Fury asked. Natasha watched as the movie was played. She was very focused on getting as much information as she could.

"I only remember feeling completely alone." On the screen we can see a map drawn on it with a heart and written on it to grow old in.

Pietro and Vision hugged her tightly.

"Wanda!" Monica said. "Who are you?" she asked her. "Who are you?!" Agatha happily asked and then we see death Vision's body.

Wanda gasped. She never thought about watching her lover in this state. It broke her heart when she saw this. Original 6 avengers sympathized with her very much, but that wouldn't make her unsee that picture.

Guardians were terrified of this. Only Gamora and Nebula guessed that it was Thanos.

Wanda turned herself and saw the same body, but standing in front of her. Then we see the dead Pietro's body, but standing in front of her too.

She cried slightly into Vision's body. People, gods and aliens in the room were in huge shock. She was at such a young age and has been through so much. "We can't let this happen." Steve spoke.

"How? How do you want to stop this, when we don't even know how it started." Wanda cried out. Natasha took a deep breath "We are avengers. We always find the way out. So we'll now too. This whole 'Aurora' put us into this to stop that, so I guess that she'll show us how you were put in this position." Natasha finished and embraced her friend.

She cries. "It was this feeling, keeping me down. It was hopeless. It was (I don't know what she says, because English is my second language.) Wanda lands on the ground. She throws cars at Ironman. Takes a knife and after that with her powers rises an exploding bomb.

"Badass" whispered Betty to MJ that was reading a book, but even so she was focused on the screen and she was sorry for her.

Her brother hugs her and then she's near Vision. "I just feel you."

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