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"Ready?" asked Natasha with a smile and pressed the button on the remote that said "start".

The screen turned on, but was still dark. The reporter is talking about the attack in London.

"What attack?" frowned Steve. Why can't all these fights just end?

"Don't tell me you did it?"

"Well, you know, Mr. Stark..."

"You're supposed to be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man" he covered his eyes with his hands and rubbed them hard. He's going to get gray hair because of this kid. First his adventures into space, and now this. Stark was curious to see what else he would come up with. He just hopes he didn't kill anyone, because that would mess up his life. The Avengers wondered what else the teenager could do. Shouldn't he by any chance be looking for a new school and studying rather than saving the world?Flash was... hard to describe that Parker actually knows Tony Stark. Kate was surprised, because she was young anyway, and this boy was even younger, and doing more damage than she although...

"Well yes, a-and I was, but I went on vacation ..."

"And that's the reason you demolished London?"

"Oh, can I finish?Also, not that I trashed right away, it's just that there was a guy there and he tricked me and Fury..."

"Well yes, a-and I was, but I went on vacation ..." Peter began, but was interrupted again by Sam.

"And that's the reason you demolished London?"

"Oh, can I finish?Also, not that I trashed right away, it's just that there was a guy there and he tricked me and Fury..."

"Fury hired you?" Natasha raised an eyebrow and looked at Clint, just as confused. Steve and Tony raised their eyebrows as well, because they couldn't believe that Fury had started hiring kids to do the job.

"Well, yeah... but I didn't want that and I tried to ignore him, but it didn't work out..."

"You ignored Fury!" shouted the Avengers and the students.

"You're making something up kid.Fury's been in space for a year!" remarked Clint.

"What... But what do you mean.After all, I've seen him... Okay, can we drop the subject already? This guy fooled me and I fooled myself. And then he tried to kill me and my friends and half of Europe, and people think he was good."

"And he wasn't?" quipped Cindy, who believed in Mysterio.

"No, he wasn't."

He also talks about a video of Mysterio moments before his death.

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