𝟗. 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲

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(𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 2594)

"Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield." Steve is going towards a glass wall with Bucky on it.

When Rogers was looking at the screen and he heard this he instantly recalled in his mind this museum and hopeless and emptiness feeling without his best friend on his side. Bucky was and is one of the most important people in his life.

Steve and Bucky are walking. Steve has on him soldier's items of clothing and Bucky still has both arms.

"This is a time when you were in the war, isn't it?" observed Natasha sending an uneasy look to Steve who was staring at the screen with a visible yearning expression on his face. He sighed and nodded his head. Bucky was missing this time as well as Captain, but he wasn't only looking at the screen but also at his real arm, which in this time he had.

Old videos of them are shown. Steve is looking at them with a missing expression on his face. Older Steve told Bucky not to do anything stupid until he gets back.

Both friends distinctly grinned.

Bucky smiled and replied "How can I?". Scene cut to weak, small Steve who told Bucky from past "You're taking all the stupid with you."

All the Avengers smiled, when they heard that. Bond between these two was really strong.

Bucky as a Winter Soldier reviewed himself and looked at Steve, who asked him "Bucky?" "Who the hell is Bucky?"

Captain, Barnes, Nat and Sam shifted in their chairs. Peggy, Howard, T'challa, Shuri and Okoye looked at Bucky, who was trying not to look at himself when he was an assassin without a choice to stop. Instead of the screen he chose his meal, Wakanda's arm. Really interesting arm at the moment. Steve placed his hand on his buddy's back and tapped to cheer him up.

Steve and Bucky hugged. "How are you doing, Buck?" "Not bad." "GO! GET OUT OF HERE!!!" "NO, NO WITHOUT YOU!!!"

Most of the scenes in this video were delivering emotions. This one was doing this either. It's showing firstly a real friendship and secondly what Barnes is like. Nobody in this room hasn't missed this.

Steve helped Bucky, who didn't have an arm and his face was in the blood, with getting up.

Some people flinched as they saw a view of Barnes in this state.

"I don't know if this is worth all of these, Steve." Steve found a table where Bucky was. "Bucky..."

"Oh my god..." "What happened to him" "I guess that was when he got a super soldier serum." People were whispering around, which was ignored by Bucky and Steve who heard that. Peggy believed that she recognised this... time?

Steve fell into a river, and Bucky is watching. He pulled him out of it.

Bucky still was wondering, why did he pull Steve out of this river. Maybe because after he was brainwashed again, and he saw Steve, who said that he was with him till the end of the line some of his past memories hit him? When he was reminded of it, he remembered only that he thought that he was trying to distract him, so he didn't lower his hand. Just in case.

That was probably the thing that made him save Steve. These were memories. Good or bad. It really didn't matter at this time, because this gave him hope that he was not only a assassin, but also a friend and that he had a life, but sadly, he didn't remember it because of HYDRA. Fortunately, now he remembers most of his life and with Wakanda help he broke free from this nauseating organisation. At least it was what he thought.

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