12. Combat class 2

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I made my way to school. Yesterday me and Shoto trained till quite late. He is a really good opponent. Even though he doesn't admit it, he's a lot stronger than me. It made me feel insecure about my qualities, but then again I didn't train my entire life like he did.

As I got off the bus, I made my way into the school building. 

The classes were boring today. I wasn't able to focus since I was so nervous. Our last period was scheduled to be combat class. Shoto spoke highly about me to his dad yesterday. I don't know what to expect.

What if I get laughed at?

As I made my way to the girl's locker room, I saw Shoto. He smiled at me and walked up to me. "Hey" he said. "H-Hey" I managed to say. Was I getting nervous around him as well? "Don't be so harsh on yourself. You will do just fine" he said. I smiled and nodded before making my way inside the locker room.

"Hey look who we got here" I heard Momo say. I rubbed my eyes, I felt a little sleepy. I ignored everything the girls said to me and got changed in my hero costume. "You know it wouldn't hurt to say something back" Uraraka said. I looked at her surprised. She has never said anything to me.

I decided to give them a medicine of their own taste. "Aren't you... Midoriya's girlfriend?" I asked. Her face turned the brightest shade of red. You could literally compare her to a tomato. "N-N-O" she panicked. "We are just friends that's al" she said. The sweat was dripping off her forehead.

"How's your boyfriend huh?" Mina asked. "My what?" I said back. "Come on, don't act all clueless" Mina said. "I have no idea what you're talking about" I said. "Shoto" Hagakure said. "He's not my boyfriend" I said and closed my locker. "Are you sure?" Jirou said. "How are things with Denki?" I asked back. She got taken by surprise. "Yeah I thought so" I laughed and walked past her and the rest of the girls.

Why were they so desperate to make fun of me? Or are they just trying to become friends? Either way, I'm not interested.

I made my way onto the field and saw the teacher standing next to Endeavor. My hands started getting shaky and I felt weak in the knees. Why was I so scared?

As everyone made their way to the field, the teacher introduced us to our special guest. "I'm glad to be here and I'm looking forward to see what you guys have in store" Endeavor said.

"I will be making the pairs" he said. I wasn't surprised when he put me up against Shoto after what happened yesterday.

"The first battle will be y/n against Shoto" he spoke. I looked at Shoto surprised. "I'll go easy on you" Shoto told me before walking to the battle field.

Why did I feel offended? I know he's stronger than me but.. this hurt. He didn't have to hold back against me just so he could prove that I'm "stronger" than him to his dad.

We stood in front of each other as the teacher signalled us to start.

Shoto kept standing in front of me. Why wasn't he doing anything? Was he giving me the opportunity to look him in the eyes and activate my quirk? I already looked him in the eyes this morning. This wasn't necessary. "Attack me!" I yelled at him. He looked at me surprised. "Why don't you attack first?" he said back. Did he really want me to take him out immediately? In front of his dad?

I decided to not use my quirk and I attacked him. He dodged me. "Use your quirk" he said as he grabbed my arm and twisted it. I yelped in pain. "No" I responded as I tried to get out of his grip. "He's watching us" he told me. "So what?" I said back, still trying to get out of his grip. He let go off me.

It made me mad. He purposely released me so it looked as if I broke free myself. I'm not that strong. We both know that. I felt anger boil inside of me. I felt humiliated. I've never been put in a situation like this where my opponent is literally giving me room to win. I don't want to win like this. It's unfair.

I activated my quirk. It took Shoto by surprise. We stood in front of each other. "I want to become a pro hero" I said as I looked at him. "More than anything" I added. "I won't let people doubt my power and abilities anymore" I added. I walked towards him. He made a block of ice so I wouldn't be able to reach him, but I dodged it. I jumped in the air and grabbed him by his head. His eyes widened as I slammed him to the ground.

"You're making me feel like shit I hope you know that" I said and looked him in the eyes as I had him pinned. "Break free from my grip" I said. He didn't budge. "Do it" I commanded. He didn't respond to me. "What are you trying to prove your dad huh? That you're weak? Don't you want to make him proud!?" I yelled the last part.

To my surprise he got out of my grip and grabbed me by my neck before pinning me against the ground. I felt my body getting pushed into the ground more and more. His eyes were filled with anger. They weren't like usual.

"I don't want to make my dad proud" he said angry. "That's the least I want" he added, pushing me further into the ground. I flinched as my back made more contact with the rock hard ground.

"Finish me" I said.

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