29. Ice cream

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5 days later

Shoto was finally allowed to leave the hospital. I was going to pick him up. I had a surprise to show him.

As I got there, I quickly made my way inside and went to his room. I knocked on the door. "Come in" I heard him say. I entered the room.

"Did you bring me the clothes?" he asked. I smiled and nodded before handing him fresh and new clothes. He had asked me to go by his house and pick up some clothes for him to wear. Luckily, his sister had already picked out the clothes for him.

I turned around as he got dressed. He chuckled as he started getting dressed. "You don't have be shy" he said. I turned around as he put his shirt on. I looked at the sight that was in front of me. I caught myself blushing.

I walked up to him. "I have something exciting to show you" I said and smiled. He raised his eyebrows. "And what might that be?" he asked, a hint of playful teasing in his voice. I grabbed his hand. We walked outside as I lead him to my surprise.

"Where are we going?" he asked. "We're here" I said as we stood on the parking lot. "What am I supposed to be looking at?" he asked. I pointed at a car in front of him. He looked at me a little confused. I unlocked the car. "Ah-" he looked at me surprised. "You got a car??" he asked surprised.

I gave him a big smile. "I got my drivers license" I said. He smiled at me and put an arm around my neck before ruffling my hair. "Hey! You're ruining my hair" I complained. We both started laughing. "I'm proud of you" he said with a smile.

"Now I can take you to many places" I said. "How about we go do something fun immediately" I said. "Sounds like a plan" he said.

I drove us to a nearby park. It wasn't your every day park. There were lots of activities and fun things to do. Not to mention, I wanted to buy him some food as well. We got out of the car. "A park?" he asked. I nodded and grabbed his hand. "Let's go" I said.

We walked through the park hand in hand. I would occasionally look at him and smile. He had no idea how happy he made me. "Shoto look!" I said excited and pointed at a ferris wheel. "You wanna go?" he asked. I nodded like a little kid. He chuckled.

We made our way to the ferris wheel and sat down. "I hope you're not afraid of heights" I grinned at him. "Don't worry about me" he laughed and pretended to push me. I let out a scream and held onto his chest. He started laughing.

The sound of his laughter. I hadn't heard it in so long. It really did sound like music to my ears.

I held onto him as the wheel started turning. Once we were at the very top, I looked at the beautiful view. "Wow" I said. "It's beautiful" I added. "You can see everywhere from here" I said amazed.

I felt him intertwining our fingers. "The way you see joy and happiness in little things" he spoke. "Makes me look at the world in a different way" he said.  "You're inspiring to me" he added. "Me?" I asked. He nodded. "After what happened with me and you. You immediately forgave me when everyone judged and doubted me. You stood up for me so many times. And after what happened to me" he said and stopped. "You stayed loyal to me. You visited me every day, you collected letters from my mother, you stayed in contact with my siblings, and you cleansed my name at UC" he said.

I looked at him. How could he think so highly of me after what I did? "But I was also the one who-" I started but he cut me off by pressing his lips onto mine. I let out a little gasp as our lips connected. I closed my eyes as he pulled me closer. "You talk to much" he said as he pulled back. "Says you" I teased. We both started laughing.

As the ride was done, we got off. "I'm having such a great time with you Shoto" I said. "I want to treat you to something" I added and grinned. "You're scaring me" he said. I laughed. "Come on let's go" I pulled his arm before leading us to a ice cream shop.

"TA-DA!!" I said as we stood in front of the shop. "You're really something else" he chuckled. We went inside and ordered our ice cream. I handed him his cone. As he wanted to take it from me, I lightly pressed the tip of the ice cream in his face.

I started laughing really hard. His face was priceless. "Please stop my stomach hurts from laughing so much" I said as I tried to stop. He pulled me up and held me close. My heart was beating faster. Our faces were only an inch apart.

"You think you're so funny huh?" he said and wiped his face off. I looked at him with puppy eyes. "Please don't put ice cream in my face. I actually put time and effort into my make up today" I said. He let go off me. "I see" he said. "You look pretty" he added.

I felt butterflies in my stomach after hearing those words.

We went outside to eat our ice cream. I noticed that he was eating extremely slow. I had almost finished mine already. "Do you not like the flavor?" I asked. He looked at me surprised. "No no, I love it. Thanks for buying me ice cream" he reassured me and smiled.

We spent some time talking and sitting by a river. He still hadn't finished his ice cream. "I'm starting to think that you don't like it" I said. He didn't respond. "Don't worry" I said and got up. "I'll go buy you a new one. Which flavor do you want?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Y/n it's not the flavor. In fact this is my favorite" he said. I looked at him a bit confused. "See after my injury I haven't been able to consume cold food" he said. I looked at him surprised. "My ice quirk" he said as he held his right arm up.

Nothing came out.

"Has been damaged" he said. "The doctor said that it's best if I don't use my quirk for a while so that my body rest" he spoke. "Cold food physically hurts me to eat" he said. I quickly snatched the ice cream out of his hand. "And you were trying to hide that from me?" I asked. He let out a sigh. "I didn't want to ruin your surprise" he said.

"You didn't ruin my surprise. I want you to be a hundred percent honest with me from now on ok?" I said. He nodded.

"By the way, this means more ice cream for me" I grinned at him.

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