15. Forgiven

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I stood in front of the door for a while.

"I'll leave if you don't want to face me" I said. "Just know that what you're doing right now is upsetting me" I said before wanting to walk away.

To my surprise the door opened. He pulled me inside. "What-" I started but he cut me off. "Shhh" he said before leading me to his room. "Your lucky my dad's not home" he said.

"So will you talk to me now" I said and crossed my arms. He sat down on his bed and patted the spot next to him, indicating for me to sit there. I sat down next to him and waited for him to talk.

"The day of our match" he started. "I don't know what happened" he said. He let out a deep sigh. "I never wanted to hurt you" he said. His breathing was shaky at this point. "I hurt you and-" he started but stopped. He let out a shaky breath. "I don't even know what I'm trying to say" he said. "How can I ask for forgiveness after what I did to you. I scarred you for life. How can I be mad at my mother for what she did to me when I practically did the same to you. And now I'm sitting here like a pathetic person asking for forgiveness" he said. "Forgiveness that I don't deserve" he added.

"Shoto you don't-" I started but he cut me off. "Y/n stop" he said. "Stop what?" I asked. "Stop trying to act like what I did didn't hurt you" he said. "I'm a horrible person" he added. "You're not" I said and put my hand on his. He immediately pulled his hand away. "Please" he whispered. "Please don't get closer to me" he said.

"Can you at least let me talk" I said. He hesitated before slowly nodding. "I'm not mad at you Shoto. Nor am I blaming you. I lost my focus on you while using my quirk. This caused me to lose control over your actions. As you weren't able to fully regain control of your body, your actions were impulsive and unpredictable. You never purposely hurt me. Seeing how broken you are after what happened, shows that you would never do this to me" I said.

He didn't say anything. "At the end of the day, I still did something horrible to you" he said. "Not on purpose" I said. "Why?" he asked. I looked at him confused. "What?" I asked. "Why?" he asked again.

"Why are you the one who got severely hurt by me. The one who suffered and got hospitalised because of me. The one who had to undergo physical and mental pain because of me" he said, his voice cracking at the end.

"Yet you're comforting ME" he said frustrated. "Why can't I comfort you" he said, tears forming in his eyes. "Why can't I tell you everything's going to be alright. Why can't I make you happy" he said as a tear rolled down his face. He aggressively wiped it off his face.

"Shoto please don't be so harsh on-" I said but he cut me off. "STOP" he yelled at me. "Stop being so good to me" he said. "I don't deserve it" he added.

"Why are you so hard on yourself?" I asked. "And I don't want you to degrade yourself again" I strictly added. "I don't deserve you" he said. I looked at him surprised. "Why aren't you mad at me?" he asked.

"Because what happened wasn't your fault. If anything, it was mine" I said. "I used my fire on you" he said. "I burned you" he added. "You never did that. They were my actions" he said and looked at the ground. "Actions done by your body, not by your mind" I said.

He looked at me, examining my face. "Can I ask for forgiveness?" he asked. "You're forgiven already" I replied back and gently smiled.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Never cry over something like this again" I said. "W-What I haven't cried" he said embarrassed and looked away. I could see a blush creep on his cheeks. I chuckled and cupped his face, making him look at me. He looked at me surprised. I got closer to him, not breaking eye contact. "Am I seeing a blush?" I grinned at him. I saw him blush even more. "Of course not" he said and cleared his throat. "Of course not" he said in a manly voice. I let out a laugh.

"You're cute you know that" I said. "Me?" he asked. "Cute?" he added confused. "Yep" I said. "Has no one told you that before?" I asked. "Not really" he replied. "Well I want you to know that you are" I said and smiled. I saw him get a little shy.

"I don't know if it's inappropriate to say but.. I think you're really pretty" he mumbled the last part. "Sorry what was that?" I teased. "You heard me" he said. "I really didn't" I acted clueless. "You're pretty" he said. Hearing him say those words made my heart flutter. I shyly smiled without making eye contact.

He looked at me and lifted my chin before gazing into my eyes. I got absolutely lost in his eyes. The fact that he has heterochromia made his eyes only more beautiful.

He got closer.

I felt his breath on my skin.

It was cold, like a winter breeze.

He slowly pressed his lips on mine, connecting our lips in a kiss.

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