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Diana changed into her comfortable clothes and got settled in. When she was done she went downstairs for dinner with the family. "So if I may ask..where is your father?" Diana asked looking at taejung.

Tae smiled slightly but deep down it did hurt a bit. "Well I am not sure..my mom doesn't really talk about him..she said he left when I was just born so I'm not sure.."

She sighed "oh I am so sorry I brought it up I should not have asked." He nodded. "No it's fine no worries anyone would be curious about that just enjoy the food." She nod. "Thanks for the food." She said slowly while she started eating.

Taejung looked at her and giggled thinking in his mind. 'She's quite cute I guess all foreigners must be super cute like this..it's very different' he then started to eat as well. "Do you like?" Juju asked looking at her while eating.

"Yes it's very delicious! Thank you.." she said and continued eating. "Here eat more." Juju then gave her  more meat with the chop sticks. "Ah..thanks.." Diana said eating the meat with her rice.

After dinner she went upstairs to wash up. Taejung was  in the bathroom brushing his teeth. Diana came into the bathroom smiling a bit "hello I'm just gonna take a shower I hope you don't mind.." his face was dark red and his heart was beating fast as the tooth paste dropped from his mouth. "o-okay.."

She was indeed different. He thought she was pretty bold. Usually other girls wouldn't just go into the bathroom when a boy was there if that even happened accidentally, both people would be really flustered but she didn't seem bothered by it at all he was very surprised.

He finished brushing his teeth and slowly went out of the bathroom and to his room. He felt how hard his heart was beating. "Ah why is my heart being this way shut up please..." he said laying in his bed looking up at the ceiling.

After Diana finished showering she was in her bed but it took awhile for her to adjust she couldn't get sleep since it was her first time in another country. It was a bit much for her so she decided to go to his room. "Hey are you asleep?"

He got up and slowly opened the door for her. "Is uh everything okay?" He asked. "Sorry since it's my first night here and all it's kind of hard for me to fall asleep do you mind if I stay with you?"

His face got all red again and his heart started acting up. "I..well sure if that's what you want.." he tried not to think of anything about them being in the room all alone together but his mind kept wandering.

She slowly laid on his bed and he just sat on the chair. "Why are you on the chair?" She asked looking at him. "What do you mean why?" He asked. "Come lay with me.." she said smiling. He blushed and just nodded and he came laying next to her.

"Goodnight." He said turning to the other side. "Oh..goodnight." She said still staring at the ceiling after awhile she too had fallen asleep.

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