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3 months later
Diana looks at taejung and her face became red as she said these words. "I like you." Which she never thought she would say.

She learned a lot of things while being in korea. She learned about their food, culture, language but she also learned how to love.

"You do?" He asked his face also becoming bright red. "Of course I taught me so taught me..what I never knew.."

He pulled her into a hug and smiled. "I'm glad to hear you say that..because to be honest...I really like you too I never thought you would have these feelings like me.."

She smiled at him. "really? I never thought you would like someone like me..." she told him honestly. "Well I do..and don't say it like that.."

"Like what?" Diana asked tae. He sighed. "You know as if your a bad person or something because your not..I'm really glad I met you in my life because I was also able to learn from you." He told her.

"I think your like the smartest person in the world! What? Learn from me? I mean come on's me who's learning everything from you." She says laughing. "Well..I'm happy.."

"I am too..and I'm glad I met someone like you in my life as well because you changed me for the parents will really like you.." she told him.

"Well I hope they do because I got us two plain tickets...back to America...!!!!"

She was so surprised. "What seriously?" He nodded. "We will be going back together!!! Tomorrow..I miss my sister like crazy I also want to see her and I want to meet your parents.."

She blushes. "Isn't it a bit soon?" She asked him. "Do you think it is? I mean we've confessed to each other..." he asked her. "Well it's fine it's no worries..I'm still so happy right now..."

They hold held each other's hands walking home together after school.

"My parents will totally like you"

"I bet they will Im the smartest person
In this world.."


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