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When it was finally lunch time Diana went by herself first to grab lunch. She paid with the money juju had gave her this morning and ate lunch at the table by herself.

"Why did she leave without me? Is she mad at me or something?" Tae asked himself. He got up and packed his things up and went for lunch he looked all around for her and finally found the table she was seated at.

He laughs, "found ya!" He then hurriedly got his food and sat next to her. "Hey! You left me in the classroom why didn't you wait for me so we could go together?" He asked looking at her.

"Oh..?" She asked looking up at him while eating her food. "I didn't realize you also wanted me to wait on you.." she said finishing her food. "Sorry Im done with my food we have gym next so I guess I'd better go to the locker room early so I can change into my clothes."

She got up ready to leave but he grabbed her hand. "Is something wrong? If there is you could just tell me!" He said looking at her concerned. "No I just feel a little homesick is all I want to go back home already." She said annoyed pushing her hand away and walking away.

He was so confused she was fine this morning he wondered what was going on with her. He knew she was lying and it wasn't fully the truth but she wouldn't tell him. "See you in gym I guess.." he said sighing.

Yoonji sat next to him starting to eat. "What's wrong?" Yoonji asked looking at tae. "Nothing Im just worried about Diana." Yoonji rolled her eyes. "Her? Again? What is the relationship between you two anyway why do you keep worrying over her?"

Tae looked at yoonji. "Can you mind your own business? Since when are you super friendly with me?" He asked her. "What do you mean? I've always liked you but I've been way too shy to make a move..why can't I talk to you like this?"

He sighed. "'s uncomfortable you make me very uncomfortable let's not talk because we aren't friends and I don't want to be friends with you." He said getting up and leaving. "Your such a jerk!" She yelled at him. "Ugh why do I even bother? Fine I won't like you anymore!" She yelled.

Everyone was looking at her. She sighed, "WHAT ARE ALL OF YOU LOOKING AT? ugh so annoying." She said getting up and walking away with a tantrum. "So nosy all of you I swear to god I hate all of you and I hate this dumb stupid school!!!" She said making a fuss and crying.

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