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Diana had been woken up by tae. "Wake up or we will be late for school!" He said shaking her a bit. She slowly got up rubbing her eyes, "school? I'm starting today?!" She asked still tired and yawning.

"Yes my mom already enrolled you and got you a uniform and everything! She said you'd start your first day with me and we'd go together but we will be late if you don't hurry." Taejung said.

She gets up slowly and goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth once she's done. She goes into her room where her uniform is already laid out for her.

She sighs and then puts it on. Once she's done she combs her hair and pulls on her knee high socks then she puts on her new shoes that juju had got for her to wear to school. "She's such a nice lady." Diana said to herself.

Once she was done she got her bag ready to leave with taejung for her first day of school. She was very nervous because it was her first of a new school in a different country  she didn't really know what she would be expecting.

"Okay so one thing you should know before you enter school with me is that Korea as you know is very different from America. You have to be tidy at all times and study hard because if not people will really look down on you!" Tae said while they were walking.

"I understand..what else?" she asked him. "We bow to the teachers for respect. We would usually thank them after a lesson." He said explaining to her. She nodded, "I got this..seems easy enough.." she then says.

"We can't date..or use our cellphones..and we must always wear the right uniform. We cannot talk back to the teachers even if you feel wronged  or you will get demerits and penalty points it's really bad on your school record  because you have to make sure to get good grades understood? Also no makeup, or hair color.." he says.

She sighs "well...what if my mom calls me in the middle of class or something? And no makeup? But I'm wearing some because I don't like the way I look without it..and my hair is dyed though...these rules are so can I follow every single one?"

"Look just try your best okay? It's your first day and your a foreigner so the teachers of course will understand because you're from a different country but they won't let you off the hook if you come in the second this. You will have to learn the rules quickly from the first day and then be better on the second it's not that hard." He says patting her head.

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