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2 weeks later.
Tae was with Diana helping her sweep the school yard and helping her clean up as part of community service. "Look you really don't have to be here and do this with me this is your lunch break aren't you tired of helping me?"

He sighs "I could never get tired. As long as I'm next to you I'll never get tired it's all I could ever want." She sighs. "Could you quit joking around I need to make sure this place is squeaky clean!!!" He shakes his head. "Of course but I am serious.."

She looks at him and he looks at her as they both take a quick pause. "You are?" She asked him. "What if I am?" He asked her. "Well..I mean it's a good thing I suppose.." she says smiling slightly as she got back to sweeping up the yard.

He continued as well but then stopped. "Wait here okay?" She looked at him confused. "Okay? Your not leaving me are you? I thought you said—" he cut her off. "No I promise I won't leave I'll be right back!!"

He then went to the vending machine and bought them both korean yogurt milk. He came back and poked the straw in for her and gave it to her. "Drink up you must be very tired and need a small break after all we have done today." He said drinking his as well.

"Yeah no kidding this is so much work. Your right korea is way different from America. Everything here is much stricter. I didn't realize how tired I could get in a school day...I mean I already studied way harder than I usually do and I'm working way harder too but thanks for this." She says drinking it.

"It taste really delicious!" She says. "Of course it's Korean yogurt milk it always taste delicious!!!" She laughs. "Yeah I've seen these in romance dramas a lot.." Diana blushes slightly . "Really?" He asks Diana nods. "Yeah the girl or guy would confess her love with a Korean yogurt milk or something...."

He laughs "Wow didn't know you watched the dramas I guess you must really love it huh.." he said teasing her. "No...I just...I just noticed it is all...I don't really watch dramas or whatever!!!!" She said getting back to work as soon as she finished the drink.

After awhile they were finally done and it was her last day of community service. She had been Working and studying extra hard with that time she also got closer to taejung. She didn't even realize that there would be something more...there as well..

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