chapter 15

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It was nearing Theo's ten week check up. This was a big one cause it meant he had just ten days left till he gave birth and even then he could have an early birth. At this check up he would be walked through the c-section procedure again. He was gonna be put on twenty four hour watch. Melissa wanted to make sure that he was never alone just in case he goes into labor early.

Theo didn't like the arrangement since it meant that he couldn't be alone, ever. Someone from the pack followed him everywhere. If he went outside, they were beside him. To the bathroom, they were waiting at the door. When he'd go for a nap he'd wake up to them somewhere in the room trying not to watch him while keeping an eye on him.

He was very close to lashing out. Especially now, since it was Isaac's turn. The dumb blond sat on the couch beside Theo, eating a bag of chips and wiping his fingers on his jeans; which already smelled like mud and grass.

"So how does it even work? I mean you're a guy, and Liam is a guy. You both have sperm... How does that make a baby... or did they steal eggs from someone and put it in you?" Isaac looks at him with an expecting face.

"Scott!" Theo yelled knowing the alpha was upstairs taking a nap. He was gonna hurt Isaac and he knew no one wanted that. Not that they were worried for Isaac, he'd heal. They were worried that he'd hurt the twins, and so was he, but he wanted to rip into Isaac.

"Scott is sleeping. Do you need something? Want your fruit?" Isaac wiped his hand on his pants and moved to get up. Before he could even get up Scott was at the foot of the stairs.

"Yes Theo?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. He pulled triple duty, meeting with the Kelevra pack, up all night patrolling then breakfast duty with Theo. He was exhausted.

"Can't someone else watch me? Does it have to be him." Theo growled the last part showing his anger. Scott sighed and looked at Isaac who shrugged like he didn't know what Theo's problem was.

"What's wrong with Isaac watching you? He's not that bad... he's just snacking and watching tv." Scott defended hoping to nip this in the bud and get some sleep.

"He's pestering me and asking dumb questions and he smells like a swamp. And I'm this close to ripping his tongue out, and frankly the twins want me to do it." Theo was growling through most of it and his eyes even began to glow. He hated Isaac right now and wanted to revert to his old ways and find one of those holes he told Liam about to hide Isaac in while he bled to death.

"Alright , alright... the only other one available is Nolan... Everyone else is working or patrolling." Scott knew Theo wasn't close with Nolan and didn't even really remember who he was but he was the only member of the pack that didn't have anything to do besides school and lacrosse.

"I'll take him." Theo shouted happy to be away from Isaac. Scott sighed and told Isaac to go help Stiles and Derek at the loft. He called Nolan and told him he was on Theo duty.

The alpha waited with Theo till the other teen got there then he went up to his room to sleep for a bit. Nolan was nervous and he reeked of it but it was better than Isaac. Theo watched the teen as he took a seat on the couch, as far from Theo as he could get. He stared at the tv like it would kill him if he broke eye contact.

"You can loosen up, you know. I'm not gonna kill you... I mean unless you piss me off then I might try but I'm not exactly as fast as I once was." Theo gestured to his belly and looked at Nolan. The younger teen swallowed thickly before looking at Theo.

"H-h-how are they d-d-doing?" He nodded to Theo's belly, still scared that he might say something and lose his head. Literally.

"They are doing great actually... Getting stronger and bigger... I can play tic tac toe with them. Although I have a feeling that it's our daughter who beats us the most. We were able to figure out which twin was where and she's in the spot to reach the areas that allow them the win." Theo smiled fondly as he rubbed his belly.

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