chapter 10

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When Theo hit his five week mark everyone was on high alert. He was barely allowed to do anything in fear that he might put the babies at risk. Theo was getting annoyed but he secretly was thankful. Any little abnormality he felt he would feel his stomach flip with worry. The entire pack helped him with everything, from cleaning his room to taking him to work.

"Are you nervous?" Scott was sitting next to Theo on the couch. He could smell his anxiety, it was getting stronger the closer the 5 and a half week mark got. "Honestly, not as much as I thought I'd be. Of course I am nervous, but it's not as bad." Theo looked down at his growing stomach. It was noticeable now, the equivalent of a woman who is five months pregnant with twins.

"I know the twins are fighting against my healing. They are protecting themselves, and if they make it past this week they have a better chance of living." Theo knew that if they make it he still had to take it easy till they are actually born but he just needed to know they had a fighting chance.

On the morning of his five and a half week appointment Theo didn't feel good. He had pain in his stomach, mainly on the sides. When he stood up to go to Melissa he felt dizzy and had to sit down. He knew the signs of a miscarriage and he feared this was the start.

He started to panic. His breathing picked up, but it felt like his chest was too tight to let much air in. His head was spinning and he couldn't seem to find his voice to call for Scott or Melissa. He clutched his chest trying to force himself to breathe.

Scott felt it before he smelt it. His hands started to go numb, tingling in a weird way. Then the smell hit him. It was one he knew well. It was a panic attack mixed with fear. He looked to his mom, who was making breakfast. She looked fine, tired, but fine. "Theo." Before the name was completely past his lips he was up the stairs.

When he entered the chimera's room he found him on his bed trying to breathe. Scott called for his mom as he rushed forward. Theo immediately clutched onto the alpha. "Breathe Theo." Scott didn't know why he was having the attack but it couldn't be good for him or the babies. "Theo, I need to breathe."

Melissa rushed into the room to see Theo practically in Scott's lap. Scott looked to his mom for help. He knew how to help Stiles but he was at a complete lost for how to help Theo. Melissa kneeled down in front of Theo. She took his hands away from his chest and clutched them tight in her own.

"Theo, I need you to try and breathe." Melissa knew of many ways to help stop a panic attack but she wasn't sure which would work for Theo. The more Theo tried to breathe the harder it got. "Scott, he needs an alpha, make him breathe." Melissa didn't want to resort to using alpha commands but Theo was no longer hearing anything they said.

Scott didn't like doing it but he knew he had to. He got Theo to look at him before flashing his red eyes. Using his alpha voice he commaned Theo to breathe. Almost immediately Theo's eyes flashed and he took in a big gulp of air. He kept doing it till the pain in his chest eased and his dizziness faded.

"What brought this on?" Scott kept his arms around Theo as he calmed down enough to talk. He knew this moment would be another thing that Theo didn't want the pack to know about. "Pain. I have pain in my stomach." Melissa nodded knowing what he feared was happening. "Help him get dressed, I'll call Deaton and let him know that we're coming in early."

Scott helped Theo sit on the bed before going to his drawers and pulling out some sweats and a t-shirt. Theo got himself dressed before slipping on his shoes. He hated it but Scott had to tie them for him. Melissa came back and told Theo and Scott that Deaton would meet them at the clinic. With their help he walked downstairs and got into Melissa's car.

The ride to the clinic was quiet. Theo kept rubbing his stomach. The more his stomach grew the more he itched. Melissa kept rubbing his shoulder, trying to comfort him. She knew he was scared, didn't have to have werewolf senses to see that. Scott felt like a shit alpha and friend, he didn't know how to help Theo. Especially if what was happening is what they all thought.

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