chapter 2

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The McCall pack and the Kelevra pack had gotten along better than Scott could have hoped. The past week they had meet up a few times. Tracking hunters that came too close and just trading stories. They shared information and resources. The alpha had taken an interest in Scott, as he had never met a true alpha before.

Theo had stayed behind for each meeting, he had been feeling off ever since the party. He had trouble using his senses. He couldn't even summon the strength to full shift. The last time they were tracking a hunter he went the wrong direction because he couldn't find the scent. When he tried to full shift his body wouldn't change and he had sharp pains in his stomach. It was enough to render him useless for a good twenty minutes.

Scott sent him to Deaton but the doc told him that it was probably just the herbs. He had a vague idea about what herbs were used to dull the senses and weaken their healing enough to allow them to get drunk. They had a different affect on Theo. The wolves and coyote healed faster than him so they didn't have any trouble with their abilities. Deaton told him to give it a few days. If it was still happening then he should go back for an exam.

Two weeks past since the party and Theo had only gotten worse. He had tried to focus his senses to smell anything but all it did was make him dizzy. When he tried to listen to the heart beats of the pack around him, he had given himself a headache. He tried to hide it from the pack but that didn't last long.

About three weeks after the party bodies started popping up around town. Thankfully only one was actually dead. The others were just badly injured. They had found an omega in the woods. It seemed to be the cause of the attacks. The omega was feral and wouldn't go down with out a fight.

The pack tracked him to a cave somewhere deep in the woods. They had chased him down and were forced to fight him. Theo had mainly stayed to the back ground hoping he wouldn't have to fight. He was feeling dizzy and some weird smell was making him hungry. He couldn't focus. Theo couldn't get his claws and fangs to come out.

When the omega went after him he had no way of defending himself. The crazed man slashed at Theo, cutting up his arms and part of his face, before he went down. Theo tried to fight him off but he just didn't seem to have any strength in him. He had suffered a hard blow to the chest, the omega's claws cutting him deep.

The omega was shoved off Theo, a loud roar sending him running off. Theo looked up to see Liam standing over him, huffing in anger and covered in blood. The beta stayed behind with Theo, trying to get him to heal. It was no use, Theo was just so tired. He kept trying to close his eyes but Liam would growl at him and he would snap them open again.

The pack brought down the omega, sending him off with Argent, before they rushed Theo to Deaton. He was healing but it was really slow. They were worried he was gonna die. He was pale and hadn't responded in nearly twenty minutes. Deaton had injected him with something that made it hard to stay awake. He could hear everyone talking but he just wanted to sleep.

Liam stayed with him till the slashes healed and faded. He kept asking Deaton what was happening but he never got an answer. The beta had no clue why he was so worried, but he didn't like the way Theo looked. Pale and weak, laid out on a cold metal table. He looked like he was on his death bed.

Deaton told Scott that he was still healing from the herbs. He claimed they weakened him a lot and Theo was struggling with his powers, but he gave Theo a look. The chimera didn't understand the look at first but once the pack cleared out he understood.

"Theo have you been getting sick in the morning? Vomiting?" Theo thought about it. He had been feeling sick but he hasn't thrown up, but that could be the lack of food. Living in his truck, all his money went to gas.

"I've been waking up feeling a bit nauseas but I don't throw up." Deaton nodded, thinking of how to phrase his next few question so he didn't piss off the chimera.

"Have you been feeling tried? Moody? Craving certain foods, repulsed by other foods. Headaches?" Theo nodded to all of it. He figured it was his body healing from the herbs. "Theo have you had unprotected sex recently?"

Now Theo was getting confused. What does his sex life have to do with the way he was feeling lately? "Yes about three weeks ago."

"With a supernatural?" Theo nodded slowly trying to figure out where he was going with this. "I may know what is going on with you and your powers but I need you to trust me and let me run a few tests." Theo trusted the doc enough so he agreed.

He allowed Deaton to take a vial of blood, a urine sample, and now he was doing an ultrasound of his abdomen. "I've held off on this doc, but now I need to know. What exactly do you think is wrong with me?" Theo watched the fuzzy screen trying to make something out of the image.

"When we recovered the bodies of the other chimeras, Melissa and I did the autopsies. We had found some very interesting things. One was that a few of the females had shown signs of being pregnant but there was no sign of a fetus or sexual activity."

Theo knew this. The dread doctors had wanted to see if the chimeras could procreate more chimeras that would survive. They had failed each attempt. "What was the other things?" Theo pressed.

"Second thing was that some of the males had been pregnant, with two of them having a fetus still inside them." Theo glared at the doctor.

"Are you trying to say that you think I'm pregnant!" Deaton didn't answer. He kept moving the wand around, pressing ahead of it with his fingers.

When his fingers hit a hard lump Theo growled and bared his fangs. Deaton gave him an apologetic smile and passed the wand over the same spot. He messed with a few things on the machine before the image paused and Theo could see a weird form in the black and white fuzz.

"What is that?" Deaton turned the screen for him to see and Deaton pointed at a blob.

"That is your child."  

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