chapter 13

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Lydia placed her fork and knife down carefully before laying her hand flat on the table. She had a look of disbelief. "Well...That just happened." She was at a loss for words so she looked to the rest of the pack for help. Stiles was switching between looking at the Geyers in anger and shock, and the pack with a look of invocation. He caught Derek's murderous glare. "No teeth ripping necks out, Derek!"

The teens look to the adults for help on how to handle the conversation. Peter was sat back with a smirk, his hands folded in front of him. He was interested in how it would unfold. Melissa, Argent, and Stilinski were seconds away from yelling or starting a physical fight.

At last Deaton was the one to speak up. "Karen, Todd, I'm doctor Alan Deaton. I'm Theo's... Well, let's just say I'm his OB/GYN." He drew the Geyers attention to him, but before they could speak he carried on in a calm even tone. "Over the six weeks that I have been caring for and treating Theo, we have discussed many options for his pregnancy and his children."

Theo sinks in his seat, he had only talked about it once and then Deaton never asked again but he wasn't sure the pack knew that.

"We have discussed such things as terminating the pregnancy, having one of the adults in the pack take the children, or even giving them up for open or closed adoption." Deaton smiled softly at Theo and Liam. "He chose to keep and raise his children. Given that he's an orphan, and has no known blood relatives, he wanted to keep his small family together. The twins are the only blood related family that he would have. And I personally can't find a good enough reason to take that from him."

Everyone held their breath as Karen and Todd take in Deaton's words. They seemed to go through a range of emotions before looking at Deaton again to speak, but the vet spoke first.

"If I'm being completely honest, I can't find a reason to take it from Liam anyway. Not after the way I've seen him care for Theo and prepare for the birth of his children. When I look at Theo and Liam, I see two young men that are scared but willing to care for their children. They have been given many outs and have been educated on everything to come and they still choose to be fathers."

Karen and Todd looked at Deaton and then their son. They didn't know what to do or say. Deaton spoke again. "To be honest, I believe that Theo and Liam are as prepared as any parent can be. They have more help and support than most. The only difference is, they are in their teens. But other than that, name one reason they can't do this."

Liam's parents looked at each other before sighing heavily. They look to Liam and then Theo, finally they do a slow sweep of everyone at the table. "We meant no harm by our suggestion." Karen looked at Liam. "We just don't want you to have these babies, and then later wish you had given them up. No child deserves to feel like a regret."

The tension in the room eased and Theo finally relaxed in his seat. Liam was just staring at his parents, he didn't know what to do. Theo looked at them, both hands on his belly where he knew the twins rested. "Thank you... For think of that. But I'll never regret keeping my children. I have many regrets in my short life but they will never be added to the list. Never."

Liam looks to Theo and nods. "I'll never regret them. This may not be how I pictured starting a family but it's my family nonetheless. I'm happy that these twins are gonna exist and that I'll get to raise them. We want them, and we will want them every day from now till the end of time."

Liam's parents gave him and Theo as small smile and nodded. "Ok sweetie... Then we will do everything we can to help and make sure they have a wonderful life." It seemed like all at once the pack let out a collective breath.

With the tension gone and the heavy subject dealt with they resumed their dinner. Everyone catching the Geyers up on what they needed to know about Theo's pregnancy. They even shared the ultrasound pictures.

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