chapter 4

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Deaton smiled at the fifth nurse he's passed since making his way down to the morgue, where Melissa told him to meet her. For once their meeting wasn't about a dead body or something similar. For once it was a somewhat simple thing.

“So what did you need?” Melissa was standing in front of a body locker. It's slab pulled out to reveal multiple herbs the veterinarian had in stock in his own clinic.

“Nothing like that.” He smiled and held out a paper he printed back at his office. Melissa took it and looked it over, afraid of what it could be.

“Prenatal vitamins?” Her mind was running a mile a minute.

Which of the pack girls were pregnant. Lydia or Malia? Who was the father, Scott or Stiles? “Don't worry. You're not a grandma.” Deaton comforted when he realized what the nurse was thinking.

“Then who are they for?” Deaton debated telling her about Theo’s condition. He knew the chimera didn't want anybody to know but with Melissa in the loop, it was an extra set of eyes on Theo.

“They're for Theo.” Deaton studied her response.

“Theo got a girl pregnant?” Melissa thought him of all people would be safe about what he did.

“Not exactly. You remember what we discovered about the male chimeras?” Deaton gave her a moment to think over all the information the chimera cadavers provided them with.

“Theo's pregnant?!” Melissa's eye were as wide as possible as she came to the right conclusion. “Who's the father?”

Deaton went on to explain the situation to Melissa. Telling her that Theo had left out some bits and pieces of his unusual conception.

“And why does he need the vitamins?” Melissa had led him back up stairs and started to fill the prescription.

“I’m hoping they will serve the same purpose as they do with women. I’m hoping it will help make the baby stronger and keep Theo strong and healthy enough that his body won’t try and kill the baby.”

Theo was starting to panic. He had left the pack without an explanation, and raced back to the animal clinic. He kept having pains in his stomach, and he's thrown up twice. Each time the bile was red with blood. He worried the hit to his stomach had killed his baby.

When Theo reached the clinic he rushed in through the back. “Deaton!” He called out as he searched the building. Coming up empty he pulled out his phone and called the veterinarian.

He should have listened when Deaton told him not to get into any fights. Now he might lose the only good thing to happen to him in his entire life.

“For fuck’s sakes! Answer the phone!” The teen swayed as he was hit with another wave of nausea. He gripped the exam table and tried to fight through. Not wanting to see what he's body would expel this time.

“Please pick up?” Theo tried to call the doc again, getting the result. “Please be ok?” Theo pleaded with the tiny being growing inside him. “I can't lose you too.”

Theo gave up calling the doc and just sat on the table. He had to come back eventually. The pain had increased and vomiting got worse but Theo wouldn't leave. Not till he knew what was happening. He tried to focus in on the baby's heartbeat, but all he heard was his own, hammering away with worry and fear.

Melissa took her lunch to look over Theo’s sonograms and see how far along he is. “Thank you again for getting these.” Deaton had barely opened the clinic when Theo came rushing towards him from the back.

“Where have you been? I’ve been waiting here for nearly an hour!” Theo had blood splattered on his clothes and he looked like he wanted to pass out.

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