Chapter 18

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"It's your turn." Liam held up Freya, trying to pass her to Theo.

"No it's not, it was my turn when it was Asher. It's your turn." Theo picked up Asher and walked downstairs to get his late night snack. Leaving Liam to change their daughter's dirty diaper. The one task he really hates.

"Alright, now listen here... I'm new to this, I've never had to do it before. So lets make a deal. You let me do this no fuss no mess, and I'll get Theo to sing to you again." Liam tried to bargain with his daughter as he placed her on the changing table.

He kept one hand on her while gathering the stuff he needed. Once he was ready he took her onesie off and took a deep breath before opening her diaper. He could smell it and it made him want to gag but he worked quickly to clean her and get a new diaper on her. Once she was clean he redressed her and lifted her up.

"Good girl." He smiles and kisses her cheek. He joins Theo and Asher downstairs just to see Theo asleep on the couch with Asher resting on his chest. "Guess your daddy fell asleep." Liam whispers.

He gets the bottles for the twins then takes asher from Theo to feed both. He tries to figure out the best way to do it so he can feed both but it's not as easy as he thought. Thankfully Scott walks in.

"Scott," He whisper yells, "I don't wanna wake Theo but I need to feed the twins... Help?"

Scott looks at Theo then to Liam before nodding and placing his bag down. He walks over and take Asher. Asher never cries with him, freya does.

"You know since he's a full wolf now he is completely healed and he can handle the late nights." Scott says as he gets Asher to start drinking.

"I know, trust me I know, but he went through a lot the last three months carrying them, I wanna give him at least half that to actually rest." Liam looked at Theo snoring softly then to Scott. "I'm sorry, you're probably exhausted. I can handle this." Liam starts to reposition Freya so he can take Asher.

"No. That's not what I was saying Liam. You know if you need the help, we will give it. I'm just saying, it's not gonna hurt if he loses a bit of sleep." Scott shrugs. He knows what he's trying to say isn't actually what's coming out but he's tired.

Liam just nods and they both feed the twins. After burping them Liam carried them up to the nursery. He gets them to sleep then goes to wake Theo so he can go to bed.

"M'not sleeping." Theo grumbled then panicked when he noticed Asher wasn't in his arms.

"Shh, I already fed them, burped them, and they are upstairs sleeping. Come on, lets go to bed." Liam takes Theo's hands and tries to pull him up but Theo pulls him down.

"I'm already comfortable." He grumbles and just hugs Liam to him as he lays his head back.

"At least let me grab the monitor." Liam huffs.

"We're werewolves Liam, we are the monitor." He chuckles and looks at Liam. "Relax baby wolf." Theo kisses him softly before rolling onto his side, shoving liam behind him.

That's how Melissa finds them in the morning. Liam holding Theo close to him while Theo slept half off the couch. She chuckles and tosses a blanket on them before going up to get the twins and get them fed and changed.

She keeps them in a raised play pin while she cooks. When the food was ready she went an woke up the three teens in her house. Theo and Liam were quick to check on the babies then sit to start eating.

"Thank you mama McCall." Theo smiles at her. "I'll clean up once I'm done eating."

"Thank you Theo." Melissa smiles and kisses his head when she passes him to get a refill on her coffee.

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