Chapter 17

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For a week now, things had been okay.

Nothing had shown up at their door to ruin their lives. No one had called to tell them that things had taken a turn for the worst.

Dean and Castiel, despite still not being able to come clean with Sam, were happy.

Every other night, they ventured out to that same cliff looking out onto the lake.

Though it was too cheesy for either of them to admit, this place would always be special in their hearts.

Dean hadn't had any nightmares as severe as the one before, but Castiel, upon Dean's request, still snuck into Dean's room late at night after Sam had fallen asleep.

They would talk quietly about whatever they felt needed to be said. They would sometimes just look, and take in every aspect that made up each other.

And sometimes they would just stare, but not at the ceiling. Beyond that.

It didn't matter to long as they had a hand to hold to assure them that the universe wouldn't try and pull them apart.

One night, after Cas had snuck in and he and Dean had begun talking, Dean asked Cas a question. A question Castiel was, admittedly, unprepared for.

He asked, "How long do you think this is gonna last?"

"How long do I think what is gonna last?" Cas already knew what Dean meant, and he thought that Dean probably knew that, too.

"Us," he said. "How long do you think we can keep this secret?" Cas could hear the worry in Dean's voice.

Cas sighed. "If you're referring to how long I believe we can keep this away from Sam...I'm afraid I don't know. But whenever you would like to tell him, or if you wouldn't like to tell him at all...I'm fine with whatever you decide."

Dean sat up and looked back at Cas, and said, "But I don't want to decide something like this on my own! We're in this together, or not at all."

Cas sat up now, too, and traced his finger from the center of Dean's forehead down to his temple, before resting it against his cheek.

He smiled as Dean leaned into his touch and kissed his hand. "I think we should tell him. But I won't do anything without your consent."

Dean smiled, and Castiel smiled back. "It can wait till tomorrow, don't you think?" Dean asked. Cas chuckled and said, "Yes, I believe it can."

And with that the pair leaned in, and lost themselves in the thought and touch of one another.


The next morning, Dean woke up to Castiel laying next to him, staring at the ceiling.

He threw his head back into his pillow. "Today's the day, huh?" he asked, his voice muffled by the pillow.

Cas sighed and nodded. "If you want it to be, Dean." He looked over to see Dean, now sitting up, and staring deep into his eyes, searching for reassurance.

Dean nodded and got up from the bed. Cas watched him make his way out of the bedroom, as he got up and followed close behind.

Sam was sitting at one of the tables in the library, drinking coffee and looking at something on his computer. He hadn't noticed Dean nor Castiel walk in.

After a brief and very awkward moment of looking at half of Sam's face, Dean cleared his throat.

Sam glanced over and shut his computer when he saw the shared looks of concern on Cas and Dean's faces.

"What's up, guys? Everything alright?" Sam asked.

Dean opened his mouth, but no words came out.

He thought he knew how to handle this situation, but, then again, he'd never been in a situation like this before.

He felt so vulnerable and alone, and he completely forgot there were other people in the room as he felt a blush creep up his cheeks.

He stuttered for a second before glancing to his left. His eyes met with Castiel's, and a rush of courage hit him like a train as he thought back to the first night they went to the lake together.

He remembered thinking that no matter what happened or what he would have to face, nowhere would he find as much comfort and courage as in the sea of blue he had fallen for.

"Well...uh, me and Cas just wanted to let you know...that, uh, we're, uhm...we're..." and yet, Dean could not bring himself to finish the sentence.

Cas would always be able to get Dean through anything, but right now he was just scared.

The next thing Dean knew, Cas' hand was wrapped around his own.

"Together," he finished. "We're together."

Dean felt an immense weight relieve itself from his shoulders, just in time for a new one to take its place...a new weight in which Sam's approval would be the deciding factor.

Dean didn't realize how long he'd been holding his breath until Sam spoke.

"Goddammit!" he yelled.

Dean felt himself freeze up. Sam is upset, he thought. He's upset because of who I am...

There was a moment of silence before Sam finished, "Do you realize how much cash I would have won if there was anyone else here?!"

And as Sam's face illuminated with a smile, Dean knew that there was no better feeling than knowing that Sam still accepted him. Other than the feeling of being in the vicinity of Castiel, that is.

Dean chuckled, "You would have bet on how long it would take for us to come out to you?"

Sam nodded. "Duh...I knew it wouldn't be long before you two figured it out. I was just waiting for you to tell me. God, I can't wait to tell Charlie. She's gonna flip!"

Castiel laughed, and as Dean looked at the way his eyes got brighter and the corner of his eyes crinkled a bit as his lips stretched across his face, he decided that Castiel's laugh was his favorite sound in the entire world.


Once Cas and Dean were behind Dean's closed bedroom door, they both started chuckling.

"I guess we're pretty transparent, huh?" Dean asked, still in shock.

"I guess we are. But look at the bright we don't have to hide," Cas said.

Dean made his way over to Castiel and cupped his face in his hands. He placed a gentle kiss on his lips before speaking again. "I'm just happy there is a bright side for once."

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