Chapter 2

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It's been five years exactly since Bobby died. Every year on the anniversary, Sam and Dean find a package of the oldest beer they can get their hands on, get into the Impala, drive out to where Bobby's house used to stand, and sit on the hood all afternoon, toasting to Bobby.

Castiel never comes with them on this day. He understands that this is something they have to do alone. Cas has pretty much abandoned all hope that he will ever be as close to Sam and Dean as Bobby was. Little does he know that he already is.

"Hello, Sam. How are you doing?" Castiel usually asks. Sam usually replies with his simple 'Don't worry about me, I'm fine' smile, one he's mastered over the years.

He really has no reason to smile besides to con people into believing that he's doing alright.

But Cas never speaks to Dean on this day. He may not be human, but he understands grief well enough to know to just leave Dean be.

Bobby was the single greatest influence on Sam and Dean that had ever existed, and the boys have finally started to cope with the fact that he's gone forever.


Every year on November 2nd, the boys venture out to Lawrence, Kansas. They allow Cas with them this day, mostly because it's physically and emotionally impossible for them to be alone in that house, but also because they trust Cas enough to let him see them at their worst.

They're absolute wrecks on this day. They utterly dread dragging themselves out of bed. But they still find it in themselves to dress in a suit and tie and comb their hair in a presentable way.

They never toast beer to their mother. Instead Dean tells stories about her that Sam was too young to remember. Sometimes they're the same stories every year. But no one minds. Sam usually relaxes in their dad's old arm chair and drifts away, listening to the sound of his brother's voice and playing the story out in his head, trying to remember what his mother looked like.

Castiel, although had never meet Mary, pays attention to every word. He understands how important this day is to Dean, and is just human enough to know to just listen.

Sam, Dean, and Cas couldn't lose anything else, besides each other. They have been exposed to enough pain and heartbreak to last lifetimes. There is a permanent essence of sadness that follows the boys, and always will.

Being normal is not something that came easy to any of them. They don't hunt anymore, but hunting is all they've ever known.

Sam went back to school. Instead of becoming a lawyer, he got a teaching degree and became a professor in law and court at a local college. Dean works at an auto repair shop, where his baby sits proudly, a new price on her name every day. Dean would sell his soul to Crowley before he let anyone buy his baby off.

Speaking of Crowley, now is probably a good time to mention that Crowley longer a problem.

Two years after the weapons in the back of the Impala were replaced with a handyman's tools, the boys came across Death. No one knew why he was around, but he brought forth a solution to a problem that had gone unnoticed for quite some time. He offered the release of Adam, completely Michael-free.

His request in return was that Adam be replaced with Crowley. Crowley had been bringing death upon too many before their time, and who would notice more than Death?

So the boys captured Crowley using devil's traps painted on the ceilings and floors and engraved into handcuffs. They turned him over with a sincere feeling of accomplishment in their stride. They were forever rid of Crowley, and they were getting their brother back.

As promised, Adam was returned, no longer being used as Michael's vessel. Crowley took his place in the cage, with Lucifer. Nothing has been told of Crowley since, but it was apparent that Lucifer wasn't too happy about Crowley trying to rule hell while he was trapped.

When the boys first reunited with Adam, they were expecting hatred. Hatred for leaving him with Lucifer and Michael as long as they did. And hatred for not trying harder to get him out.

But what they got was their brother in tears, hugging them until his arms felt weak and returned to his sides. Sure, he was upset that he spent all that time in the cage. But right now, after all Adam had been through, one emotion was enough...and he occupied that space with happiness. He was free.

Adam is now currently living in his old house with his wife and his three children. He's the manager at a fancy bank and he makes frequent visits to his brothers. At least Adam made it out alright.

Sam, Dean, and Cas are trying their hardest to be normal. It's what so many people would have wanted for them. It'll take time. But they have plenty of that now.

Enough foreword. There is a story amidst all of this...shall we begin it?

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