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You never really feel the same about every ending to every story, because every ending to every story is different.

They can leave you in tears, in a state of confusion...but most of the time, they just leave you wanting more.

No doubt, once a story is over and the author has typed those final two words, it's end game. There's nothing you can do about it, because it's over.

That's a lot of pressure, let me tell you. Not everyone is going to be one-hundred percent satisfied with the way you end a story, and they prefer to focus on what could've happened instead of what actually did.

And what actually did happen, no one would ever be able to change.

Sam woke up every morning with a smile on his face. He was always so eager to go and be normal for once, to not have to constantly look over his shoulder, fearing the known rather than the unknown.

He hasn't found anyone to share his perfect normal with yet, but he's kept a wary eye out.

Dean and Cas, well...they've been happy. Just about as happy as a pair could be.

They'd never been able to do normal couple things until now...Dean because his life had never allowed it, and Cas because he simply didn't know that's what people did.

They didn't talk much about what happened in the djinn world, but it didn't take them long to figure out they shared the same desire. And it only made them grow that much closer.

Dean was no longer ashamed of what other people would think.

He held Cas' hand when they went to see a movie and kissed his nose when Cas wasn't expecting it. Cas would get flustered, and Dean would just chuckle and grin as he reached for Cas' hand again.

They were content. And they were okay with that.

But it's time their story came to an end. And if you...yes, you, the one reading this is hoping for the happy, fluff-filled, riding off into the sunset on horseback ending, I regret to inform you that your request will not be satisfied. If you think this story has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.

The forces of nature, power, fate, call it what you wish will never stop preventing a happy ending from the three people who deserve it most.

And so it came to pass that Castiel, an angel of the Lord, watched his happy ending drive away with his brother, as if that's what he was always meant to do.

And these are the events that led up to such an end.


It was early one Thursday morning in September.

Sam was off at work and Dean was still asleep, his arm draped over the ever-awake Castiel.

It was something Cas didn't mind, staying still while Dean slept. It was comforting to watch the peaceful state of rest fall over the weary hunter.

When Dean did awake, he looked over to see Castiel watching him with interest.

"Liking the view?" Dean asked snarkily.

"Never get tired of it," Cas replied, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on Dean's lips.

But before he could do so, a loud crash could be heard from the center of the bunker.

Both men shot out of bed, hastily covering any exposed body parts before locating the center of the noise.

Before either could comprehend anything, Dean was knocked unconscious.

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