Chapter 19

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May or may not contain poorly-written smut...

Things slowly started getting better. It had been two weeks, and no other nightmares had plagued Castiel since that night, and everything seemed to be okay.

Sam had been spending a lot of time at work lately, which gave Dean and Cas a lot of...clear schedules.

Most of the time, they spent their alone nights watching a movie from the comfort of a shared blanket on the sofa.

Castiel's first experience with horror was not pleasureable. He spent most of the time hiding behind Dean until he said it was okay to come out, only to return to an even more fearsome sight, making Dean laugh.

And some of the time, Dean cooked dinner, or Cas cooked dinner, neither really minded.

But there was no look quite compareable to the one of great joy on Dean's face when Castiel cooked him a cheeseburger for the first time.

At their dinners, they'd talk about their future: where they would move (if fate ever allowed it), what kind of cat they would have (much to the disliking of Dean, quite the opposite for Castiel), what Sam's kids would look like.

They never talked about the past. Aside from the fact that both of their upbringings had been quite horrific and traumatizing, they also didn't like to think about time they'd spent apart.

For Dean, it hadn't been too terribly long, but for Cas, he had spent thousands of years not even knowing the greatest thing in his life would ever exist, and he didn't like to think about that.

And then, of course, on some nights, both were filled with the longing to be close to one another, more often than not resulting in dinner being abandoned on the table. They never went too far, though.

One night, after binge-watching a Star Trek marathon, Dean was feeling extra confident.

As Castiel was washing dishes from the dinner they had before, Dean carefully wrapped him arms around Cas' waist.

He gently placed his lips against Cas' shoulders, and worked his way up to Castiel's ear lobe, tugging it softly between his teeth.

Cas laughed silently and turned around to face Dean. They hadn't been looking at each other long before their lips crashed into one another. Dean picked Cas up, and Cas wrapped his legs around Dean's waist, neither of them letting the kiss break contact.

They made their way to Dean's room, anticipation growing as their pulses raced while Dean kicked the door shut with his foot.

Dean gently laid Castiel on the bed and crawled over him as Cas hastily attempted to remove Dean's shirt.

Dean did the same, and soon only their boxers remained.

As Dean made his way back up to Cas' face, Cas laid a hand on Dean's chest. "I, uh...I've never..." Cas said. He hoped he didn't sound foolish, but he was nervous.

Dean covered Cas' hand with his own. "I know," he said. He moved his hand to touch the side of Cas' face. "It's okay. I've got you."

And before long, their lips had made contact again.

After they stopped to breathe, Dean left a trail of marks down Cas' neck, biting the skin softly before soothing it over with his tongue.

He did so until he reached Cas' boxers.

He looked up and met Castiel's eyes, and Cas nodded for Dean to continue.

As Dean retreated back up to continue working Cas' mouth, he used the tip of his finger to ever so lightly tease the skin above the boxers before moving his hand over the top of Cas' boxers.

He began gently palming him, and he was rewarded with a soft moan against his lips.

Dean smiled against Cas' lips as he began picking up the speed. Dean brought his hand up to comb through Cas' hair, leaving Castiel a whimpering mess beneath him.

With a few swift movements and only seconds apart, Dean had successfully removed his and Cas' boxers.

Dean busied Cas with his lips as he reached over to open his dresser and pulling out a bottle.

After applying the cool gel, causing Cas to shiver, Dean eased himself into Castiel, allowing him to get used to unfamiliar feeling.

After glancing once more to Castiel's eyes, Dean drove into Castiel.

Dean began to grind his hips against Cas, causing him to dig one hand into Dean's back and the other to tightly grip the sheets, his knuckles turning a brilliant shade of white.

Dean moved his head between Cas' neck and shoulder as he kept his pace.

Castiel's hips met in time with Dean's, giving them both a pleasurable feeling and causing a moan to escape Dean's lips.

Dean started to pick up the pace as Castiel felt himself coming closer to the edge. And in due time, Cas attempted to mumble out, "D-Dean...I'm-."

Dean silenced Castiel with his lips, letting his body give a response. Cas arched his back as he ran off his high, the moan of pleasure being the factor that sent Dean over the edge as well.

Dean collapsed on top of Castiel, listening to the sound of his raspy breaths as he did the same.

"I-I've never done anything like that before," Cas said, moving his hand up and down Dean's side.

Dean chuckled as he slid off Castiel to lay beside him. He brought a hand up to his face and traced his features with his thumb.

"Well, I'm honored to be the first."

And with that, the pair leaned in and lost themselves in the process as they melted into each other's touch.

Cas pulled away suddenly, and looked Dean in the eye and said, "How long have you kept lubricant in your drawer, Dean?"

And after a few awkward seconds, they both burst into a fit of laughter, clutching their sides as they gasped for breath.

Dean couldn't remember the last time someone had made a genuine laugh one of the things to pass the barriers of his teeth, and for that he was more grateful than he could put into words.

Everything was perfect, and nothing could ruin this. Until Castiel fell asleep, and the nightmares came back stronger than before.

And something inside Castiel told him that this time, they were here to stay.

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