Chapter 20

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Castiel was tossing and turning, balling the sheets into his fists.

This nightmare had been recurring for nights on end, consisting of nothing but darkness...darkness and screaming inside his head, begging him to wake up.

And when he finally does wake up, nothing's changed.

But tonight, it was different. The voice was clearer. It was louder, but it was clearer. It was almost recognizable.


Castiel was visibly shaken later. He hadn't seen Dean since the night before, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't worried.

As he made his way into the living room, he spotted Sam running frantically around the room.

"Cas!" he called when he spotted Castiel. "Thank God...I don't have much time."

Cas was confused. "Much time for what? Where's Dean?"

"Dean's fine, but I need you to focus. Something's happened to you...haven't you heard me? I've been calling out to you for days," Sam said, glancing over his shoulder every once in a while.

"You mean, the nightmares I've been having...that was you? Why didn't you just come talk to me...I was just down the hall," Cas hoped to any higher power that the answer was that simple, but given his streak of luck, he knew he couldn't count on it.

Sam shook his head. "You don't understand. Nothing here is real...theoretically I'm not real either. Haven't you noticed anything weird about this morning?"

Cas furrowed his brows before coming to the realization. "I don't remember waking up. Sam...what's going on?"

"You need to wake up, Castiel. You need to find the kill's somewhere you don't want it to be. That's all I know. Please, hurry. Cas, find the ki-..." Cas took a step back as Sam disappeared.

He woke up with a fresh bead of sweat on his forehead, his breathing coming in short, raspy gasps.

He shot out of bed, not taking note of the absent hunter in the room. He ran out of the room, almost colliding head-on with Dean.

"Woah, easy there! What's wrong, baby?" Cas cringed at Dean's words. He was still shaking from his all-too-real nightmare, and he didn't know for sure if he was still dreaming or not.

"Dean...I'm so afraid. I don't know what's happening," and before Cas knew it, a tear was streaming down his cheek.

Dean's gaze turned to one of concern as he wiped the tear away and rested his hand against Cas' cheek.

"What do you mean? You're here with me, Cas. There's nothing to worry about. Hey...look at me, I'm here. I'm right here!"

Dean did his best to reassure the angel, but to no avail.

The second Cas looked into Dean's eyes, he wished he hadn't. They were the same illuminating blue they were the first time this happened.

Except this time, no matter how many times he rubbed his eyes or prayed for it not to be true, Dean's eyes would not return to the entrancing shade of green Castiel had fallen in love with.

And the fact that he was just now, after everything, admitting to himself he was in love with Dean made everything seem so much worse.

"Y-your eyes. What's wrong with your eyes?!" Castiel shadowed away from Dean, looking for a means of escape.

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