Chapter 12

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Dean and Sam had been awake for 22 hours straight. After Sam and Cas had exchanged words, through Dean of course, Sam and Dean talked the night away, questioning how all of this was possible.

When they were finally exhausted enough to collapse, they decided to save the rest of the conversation for the next day.

And so they slept. Sam had never slept more soundly in his entire life.

And Dean...well, sleeping didn't come too easy for him. It never has.

He just can't put all his hope into a belief so foolish that the world and that Sammy would be safe long enough for him to feel rested.

Sleeping seemed selfish to him.

It was bad enough he didn't even feel safe without a gun under each pillow, knives behind the headboard and taped under his bed, and a devil's trap carved into the floor.

Dean Winchester just didn't care all that much for sleep.

But he had to face it...he was exhausted. His body felt as though one more second of movement would result in something terrible, but his mind willed him to stay awake and do something.

So he talked to Cas.

"Cas, you there, buddy?" he asked.

"Yes Dean, I'm here. It's not like I could go anywhere else." Cas said, earning a small chuckle from Dean.

"How are we gonna get you outta my head, man?" Dean grew sad at the fact that he could still talk to his angel, but couldn't see him...hold him in his arms again.

He longed to see Castiel. He needed to see those beautiful blue eyes it was so easy for him to get lost in.

Wait...what? Stop it, Dean.

"Thank you," Castiel said.

Dean snapped out of whatever trance was holding him captive and replied. "Oh...uh. F-for what?"

"You complimented my eyes. Though they aren't technically mine. I appreciate that."

Dean suddenly realized that whatever he was thinking, Cas would know about. He palmed his forehead and asked himself why he would fantasize about his best friend.

"Perhaps it is because you miss me.' Cas said, cockily.

Dean sighed. "Damn...what's a guy gotta do to get some privacy in his own head?"

Dean didn't really want Cas to go. But how could he furnish this developing...interest? No...crush? No sounded to childish...revelation? Maybe.

But how could this be?

"Is there something you would like me to know, Dean?"

Dean panicked. Whatever this was, he didn't want Cas knowing about it yet.

He didn't know if this was anything at all. But he decided to kindle this little light for awhile and see where it took him.

"No. Uhm...nothing. Just...thinking."

Cas almost sounded disappointed.

"Are you sure? Because if there is one thing I have learned in my time on earth, it's that, even if you're a celestiel being that has lived for thousands of years, one thing you don't have enough of is time."

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