Chapter 22

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Castiel awoke with a start. He felt weak, but he was still aware of his hands bound above his head and the sound of struggling.

When his eyes finally focused, he saw Sam across the long stretch of hallway, held back by a gate.

He was using all sorts of methods to try and get past it.

As Cas dragged his vision downwards, there lay the Djinn...wound still bleeding from where Cas had stabbed him.

But when his eyes flickered up for no more than a second, his heart leaped into his throat. By his side, bloody and near the brink of death, much like himself, was Dean.

Cas tried to speak, but no words would come out.

His throat was unbearably scratchy, and he would have killed for a glass of water, even though angels don't drink.

"D-Dean..." he struggled to get out. Every time he tried to speak, his throat burned.

Before he could try and speak again, Sam had burst through the gate, and had engaged in a full sprint towards the two.

He was running towards Cas, because he was the conscious one. But Cas signaled him away.

"H-help Dean...him first," Cas begged.

Sam looked hesitant and looked as if he was about to resist, but not before a faint grunt could be heard from the limp body of a broken hunter.

Sam's attention was immediately captivated by Dean as he began cutting through the rope that bound his hands above his head.

When Sam had freed Dean, Cas spoke again. "Give me...your knife," he said. Sam looked confused, but handed over his knife.

With it, Cas cut one of his hands loose and motioned for Sam to bring Dean closer.

With all the strength he could muster, he brought his hand up to Dean's forehead. He knew he was in no condition to be healing someone, but this was worth the risk.

As the spot between Cas' hand and Dean's forehead turned a bright white, the wounds on Dean began to vanish as Cas cried out, feeling any strength he had left leave him.

When it was finished, Cas felt his arm drop to his side and his feet give out beneath him.

Dean took a sharp breath inward as he regained his stamina and took in his surroundings. He stumbled backwards as he focused on Sam.

"Sammy?" he said groggily, bringing his hand up to his head. "What's goin' o-" before he could say more, his eyes found Castiel, who's head was hanging low, and whose only source for staying somewhat upright was his left wrist, still bound above his head.

"Cas!" he yelled, his voice breaking slightly. He was immediately by Cas' side, lifting his head and searching for any signs of response.

"Cas..." he said again, almost whispering. Castiel's eyes opened slowly as he became aware of the fact that he was still alive.

He didn't realize how weak he was until Dean cut his wrist free and he lost the ability to stand.

But Dean caught him. He stumbled under the sudden weight and eased Castiel to the ground.

"Easy, buddy. I've got you. You're're gonna be okay," Dean said. He looked up at Sam and said, "Grab his feet. We're carrying him to the car."

Sam nodded and did as Dean said. They slowly but surely made their way to the Impala.

Dean marveled at it, just now realizing how much he missed it while he was under. But he put his needs aside when he remembered the angel in his arms.

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