Chapter 13

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The world is a dark place.

There are fearsome creatures beyond imagination hiding just out of sight. They wait for the precise moment to attack, and they show no mercy.

But the thing that's worse than what actual monsters can do is what people can do.

No matter what the supernatural may challenge the world with, its worst inhabitant will always be people.

It's the fact that people have a choice whether or not to be cruel. They have a choice on how they treat other human beings. And a lot of them choose wrong.

And that is not something for the rest of the world to be proud of.

The Winchesters know this, and it makes them sad.

But tonight, no bad thought or terrible intention would dare cross over the secluded bunker in Lebanon, Kansas.

Cheer illuminated off of the walls as the three boys re-aquainted and hugged until their arms could take no more.

If any happy thought that occurred while Castiel was away was collected, it would not even come close to how many were flying about on this night.

Their best friend had returned. And no amount of bad in the world was going to stop them from rejoicing.

"Not to rain on everyone's parade, but did you get out? How did you get in?" Sam said.

Cas sighed. "I have no idea how I ended up inside Dean's mind. Nothing like this has ever happened before, at least not that I'm aware of. I'm just as curious as you are, I'm afraid."

Dean simply chuckled, which caused Cas to tilt his head to the side in confusion. He did not find his comment funny.

Dean noticed and thought he should explain. "It's just that, you're here. You're finally back and I'd rather spend this time asking my best friend how he's been rather than how he survived."

Castiel smiled. Genuinely. Normally when someone smiles, it would be contagious enough for the person nearest to catch it and smile back.

But Castiel's smile had caused Dean's breath to catch in his throat as a sad look emitted from his eyes.

"Are you alright, Dean?" Cas asked, setting his happiness aside out of worry for Dean.

Any third party, in this case Sam, could tell that Dean tried to wipe a stray tear away, which he would never admit.

But he replied, "Oh, n-nothing. I just never thought I'd see that smile again." He tried to add an assuring chuckle at the end, but it came out sad and forced.

It was then that Cas' eyes softened as he pulled Dean into a warm embrace.

Sam was already half way out of the room. He knew a moment when he saw one, and he knew that there was nothing worse than being the one person in the room who stopped it.

But Dean wasn't focused on Sam's whereabouts now.

No, he instead centered himself around the angel who held onto him tight. He breathed in the scent of Castiel and threatened himself to never forget it. And he let silent tears escape.

Castiel simply grinned, aware of his hunter's saddened and fragile state.

He rubbed circles on his back and said, "Everything is going to be okay, Dean. I'm not going anywhere. And I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Okay?"

He pulled away to look Dean in the eyes. Dean quivered and nodded.

Normally the older Winchester would be hesitant and even angry if he let his guard down and allowed someone to see him like this. But he feared that if all of this bottled up emotion was kept contained for a second longer, it may just kill him.

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