Chapter 10

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It had been eight days since fake-Cas had been caught. He hadn't spoken a word, and it was starting to get on Dean's nerves. He had nearly resorted to torturing more times than he could count, but each time Castiel would come through and tell him to have patience.

"Just wait, Dean," he would say. "Impatience will not treat you well in this world."

His advice always made Dean feel better, knowing that Castiel was okay...well, as okay as he could be for the time being. He hadn't told Sam yet, and he knew that would come back to bite him in the ass soon enough. But he had bigger things to deal with right now.

As Dean made his way down to the basement, he hesitated before opening the door. It wasn't his idea to come down here. It was Cas'. He didn't know what he was going to do or what he was going to say, but he trusted that Cas had a plan. He always did. Right?

'Don't be afraid, Dean,' he heard Cas say. 'I will tell you exactly what to do.'

Dean almost let that one slide, almost. 'Hey! I'm not afraid!' he said mentally.

He heard a small chuckle com from Cas, something he hadn't heard in along time. Something so long forgotten, that hearing it again made Dean stop whatever he was doing, which, at the moment, was turning the handle to the basement door.

'Dean? Are you alright?' The voice snapped Dean out of his trance and he simply opened the door with enough brutal force and determination that gave a reply for him. He was fine.

Before he showed his face to whatever the hell fake-Cas was, a menacing laugh came from the darkened center of the back of the room.

"Well, well, well. Look who's back. Come to chicken out again, have you?"

The way the creature spoke, so deceiving, so remorseless, it made Dean shiver. But he quickly concealed it because shivering is a sign of weakness, and he soon recalled that John had taught him long ago that weakness will not be tolerated.

'What a dick,' Cas said, haven being able to know what Dean was thinking. This brought a smile to the Winchester's face, which Castiel was also aware of.

'I'll have to remember that,' he said.

'Remember what?' Dean asked to the friend living is his head.

'Your smile. I haven't seen it in a while. You Winchesters smiling truly is something to cherish.' This only made the Winchester's smile grow wider. Which, in turn, got the attention of the only person in the room Dean could actually see.

"What's with the grin, Winchester? Miss me that much?" he said with a sinister grin.

Dean dropped his smile a cocked his head a bit. "More than you know. I've been waiting quite some time to play this game with you. You see, I've been holding out on you. And I've come to make up for that. I even brought some toys to play with. Careful, though...they're very sharp."

'Dean, easy,' Cas said. Yes, this was his idea to come down here and to torture information out of fake-Cas. But the reason he had waited so long was because he was afraid of what it would do to Dean. It had been awhile since any sign of the demon inside of Dean had shown up. The mark was rather inactive so to speak, and it terrified both Sam and Castiel. Cas could only hope that "Deanmon" had gone away for good, and Dean could do what he needed in order to get information out of fake-Cas.

Dean retreated to a table in a darkened corner of the basement. Fake-Cas had a sly smirk on his face, but it fell instantly when Dean turned on an old lamp that resided on the far end of the table. The sudden light revealed a two-foot-long table holding a vast array Tools of all different kinds. Long tools, short tools, tools with sharp ends, tools so big they sent a shiver down your spine.

"I'm gonna give you one chance. All this could be avoided," Dean said, gesturing to the table. "Just tell me what I wanna know." His face showed no emotion. The truth was, he didn't care if the creature told him anything or not. Not only was he betting on it to keep quiet, he was hoping for it.

It's been so long since he held tools like these. It brought back a feeling of comfort...wait, what? Dean mentally slapped himself for thinking something like that. 'I'm here for one thing, and one thing only: information,' he thought.

"Well you can go to hell, cause I ain't talkin'," the creature said through its teeth. It put on a tough act, but it was terrified. It had only heard rumors about the wrath of Dean Winchester.

"Suit yourself." Dean let a small grin escape onto his lips. Castiel, wherever he was, tensed. It wasn't even physically possible. Anything that would link him to his human form in the human world came as glimpses of a harsh reality, all through Dean's eyes. He should not be able to move and feel as he would if he were still in his vessel. He should just be a voice, a soul without something to contain it...practically just an idea, a thought. But yet, here he was. He felt himself freeze at the sight of what Dean was doing, what he might become. And he felt a feeling...he was terrified.

'Dean, wait!' Castiel tried to call out to him and tell him to stop, but he was too far gone.

Castiel did the most he could to drown out the screams of pain the creature unleashed. Dean was not Dean and he was scaring Castiel. Cas thought he had seen every horrible thing the people, and things, of earth could do to each other. But here, watching his best friend lose himself to something so dark and isolated made him want to cry.

He tried to shut out the outside world and focus on a plan to free himself. So, with great difficulty, Cas brought himself as far away from Dean as he could possibly get. He may live inside Dean's head, but he didn't have to watch as the last glimpses of human life and light left the only person Cas had ever come to know and love.

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