2. The Band.

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Apollo pov

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Apollo pov.

After a long 11 hour journey we finally arrived in Hollywood. Me and Leo feel asleep within the first hour since Ricky insisted on make us all watch 'the lion king' and i wasnt going to cry on a plane after Mufasas death. plus, Dylan kept asking questions about literally everything so me and Leo decided to take a nap.

I was wearing a Metallica shirt with some jeans and a flannel around my waist and a black beenie on my head. I also had my wallet chain, rings and necklace.

"we're actually fucking here!" Dylan cheers as we walk through the streets with our luggage. I had a backpack, guitar case and a suitcase, its mainly filled with band merch and clothes. "right, when we gonna meet up with the record label? Oh, you know what, better yet let's get our booking agent to line up some local gigs before the tour, yeah?"

"alright, settle down, sunshine. I know your excited" Leo shushes him a little. "management deals with all that. All the business, the record label, the fuckin-"

"oh, right, fuck, of course. Well, let's just meet up with him then, yeah? He sounds brilliant!" Dylan is way to excited.

"you've already met him" I say confused.

"come again?" that's what she said.

"um, yeah, um. I'm the manager. Yeah, hi" Ricky clears his voice as me and Leo pat his back. "um, four, five years now?"

"five years" we all high five as Dylan looks at us like we're joking.

"right. Bollocks. For real, let's get on with it. Come on" he keeps walking. "Where's he at?"

"what's wrong with this Pecker?" I ask Leo. He drops his bag in shock.

"that's fucking daft, mate!" he yells furious. "your a roadie who's never been on the road before, not a fucking manager"

"oh yeah? Well, I managed to get you from a shitty little pub in England with your four shitty fans from the Sunset strip. It's not a bad start!" Ricky fires back.

"your fucking dead!" Dylan goes to hit him with his drumsticks but me and Leo hold him back as Ricky hides behind us.


"calm the fuck down, mate" Leo reasons with the lunatic. "listen. Ricky might work in mysterious ways"


"but we do have a plan"

"mysterious! Fucking pathologically lying ain't mysterious, man!" he points at the manager.

"alright, listen. Just wait until you meet Johnny. Ricky found him online, what? Four..."

"four years ago. Yeah"

"four years ago, and we've been writing ever since"

"over webcam" I add quietly but Dylan hears me.

"webcam?" he repeats with a sigh. "you've never even met this kid in real. Life before, have you?"

"technically, I have met him over webcam either, so..." I raise my hand slightly but Leo pushes it back down.

"no. No. No, but, okay. if you want the coolest job in the world, yeah? You gotta work for it"

"he's not wrong" Leo backs him up.

"right. Ugh!" Dylan groans. "fine. Fuck all three of you!"


"why's he suck a cock?" Leo whispers offended.

"what's the plan then, man?"

"uh, I say that we move into our new spot. Just chill out shoot the breeze. Wait for the other guys to get here." Ricky suggests. The whole way through me and Leo keeps agreeing with his words.

"like it. I am in" I mumble.

"fine. Good. I'm fucking knackered. Let's get on with it. Where's it at?" me all drop our stuff as my eyes land on the van.

"we're here" I grin. He completely blanks the van and goes to the apartment building its parked beside. He tries to open the gate but notices the keypad lock.

"what's the code, man?" he sighs.

"no code." Leo taps the van as I lean against it exhausted from the long walk from the airport to here. "hop in"

"we're living in a van?" he chuckles pathetically and looks at the heap of metal in front of him.

"yes. It's rock 'n' roll so stop being such Whiney cunt and get it" Leo pulls open the door and waist for him.

"go on" he thinks for a second befire walking towards it

"I get the back row and that is no negotiational, ma-" as he goes to step inside two guys run out screaming.

We all jump in shock as Dylan catches his breath. The two boys hug Leo and Ricky while I stand there awkwardly.

Everyone greets eachother until the tall black haired man turns to me with a smile on his face.

I stare at him in shock for a few seconds. From his sleak black hair to his sharp jawline only one word came to mind. Perfection.

"you must be Apollo. I'm Johnny" he greets and pulls me into a bro hug.

"yeah, nice to meet you" we pull away and I turn to the other boy.

"in Vic" he greets as we also hug.

"nice to meet you, Vic" I smile and watch them hug Dylan.

"Dylan, man, i heard so much about you, seriously, dude" Vic says pulling away.

"right, right. It's probably all bollocks just like this whole project" Dylan replies making Johnny place his arm around his neck with me on his other side.

"no. No. No. Dude, your drumming is incredible. this is your destiny." he reassurs the Aussie.

"I do love your voice, mate" he chuckles at the statement.

"that's the spirit. We're relentless" we all have a huge group hug and cheer loudly.

"alright, alright. So, who's the chap playing bass?"


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